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Family Law Reform

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Ronald Mills
Message Ronald Mills
With "Over" 50% of Marriage ending in divorced and being "encouraged" by States who Collect " BILLION$" in Federal Title IV-D & E and VAWA Incentives and offer No Mandatory help for Marriages as an Option. Divorce has become an industry for States, which continue to hurt children's futures. State purposely create a gender bias atmosphere which damage the couples current and future relationships which should only be focused on communications for the best interest of their children.
Federal No Fault Divorce Laws, should and must include a one year MANDATORY Marriage Counseling to Save and strengthen the Marriages and the Family. The Funds from Federal VAWA and TITLE IV-D incentives must be suspended because it encourages States to push Divorces and break the family up to receive these Federal incentives. Title IV-D is Based on How much Child Support can role into the State which encouraging States and Judges, not to rule in the best interest of the Child but to rule for the best interest of the State by how much it can bring into the States General funds.
Bills for Equal Parenting Laws are submitted into each State for children of Separation / Divorce. These Bill are held back or voted down because States use these funds to balance their budgets. Scientific Studies have Proven Equal Parenting "are" best for children, Yet States skate around the fact that Federal Funds are even in existence. They are refusing to give children what truly is in their best interest, for their lives now and for their futures.
Society has been and continues to be hurt by laws which only benefit States Agendas
Children of Divorce are....
  • 5 times more likely to commit suicide
  • 32 times more likely to run away
  • 20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
  • 14 times more likely to commit rape
  • 9 times more likely to drop out of school
  • 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances
  • 9 times more likely to end up in a state operated institution
  • 20 times more likely to end up in prison
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    I am an advocate for Equal Parenting for Children after a divorce, and for the Abolishment of All the Current Corrupt Family Law presently on the books now. Family Law needs to be based to more of a Pro-Family law base. My Beliefs are that most (more...)
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