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Bush's "comprehensive" policies

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Message Peter Buchynsky
The Bush administration cannot lead the world to democracy by tearing democracy down at home. How can we accept his continued trampling upon the liberties of the American citizenry with such indifference? Bush is circumventing our civil liberties in the US. It's unbelievably hypocritical to live in a country which allows warrantless wiretaps, warrantless home searches, cameras at every major intersection, and now we're going to impose our idea of freedom on the Iraqi's at gunpoint.

President Bush uses the term "comprehensive," for everything! Tax reform, Middle East policy, and now illegal immigration problems are all "comprehensive," policies.

The dictionary says: comprehensive

1. So large in scope or content as to include much
2. Marked by or showing extensive understanding

Does president Bush have his own fascist definition for the word "comprehensive?"

In his, The Coming America Fascism, 1936, Lawrence Dennis""noted American economist and anti-Semite""boasted that classic liberalism""-that is, 18th-century Americanism""-would soon become a laughing stock, and that, liberal norms of law or constitutional guarantees of private rights, would be replaced by fascism, that is, the enterprises of public welfare and social control. And, Dennis stated further...

[Fascism] does not accept the liberal dogmas as to the sovereignty of the consumer or trader in the free market.... Least of all does it consider that market freedom, and the opportunity to make competitive profits, are rights of the individual. Such decisions should be made by a 'dominant class', an 'elite.'

I am proposing the integrated State, which will bring economic justice, and which will say with due authority: no more strikes, no more lock-outs, no more usury, no more starvation wages, no more criminal conspiracies against full production, no more capitalist abuses.

... if this be the Fascist State, then I proudly declare myself a Fascist!

Benito Mussolini said:

If classical liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government.

I say that perhaps Dennis Lawrence and Benito Mussolini had a comprehensive view of seventy years ahead into America's future.
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Is a paleo-conservative Christian and an anti-abortion, pro-death penalty, anti-illegal immigration, pro-prayer anywhere, fed up with both major parties, constitutionalist.
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