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Dear Dr. Paul

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments

Paul Bear

Dear Dr. Paul, PLEASE Consider All The Options!


Dear Dr. Paul,

The other day, a man I had introduced your campaign to, asked me this question:

"I am determined to remain independent," he said, "but I will vote for Ron Paul if he is on the ballot come election day. Do you think there is any chance that Ron Paul will be on the ballot next November?"

That is the 20, 30+ (?), million dollar question. I wished with all my heart that I could absolutely assure him, and so many like him, that YES, Ron Paul will for certain be on the ballot come election day, 2008! Especially do I wish this, given the amazing wildfire of ground support (sky support, too, don't forget), record-breaking fundraising efforts, and all of the heartfelt sacrificial effort—strenuous unforgiving effort—which has attended your campaign. It attended your campaign, that is, up until the time when many got the hopefully erroneous idea, that your campaign is essentially winding down now, following the unofficial coronation of McCain by the GOP, as their nominee (even while Republicans in my own state, and in many others, have still had absolutely no say in the process).

While I urge you to keep running Republican, for the time being, in order to give EVERY state a say—at least in theory (because masses turn, when told that the contest is over)—I also plead with you to PLEASE reconsider all of your options for an eventual third party run. I ask you to do it for the sake of the principles, which ignited a rEVOLution, and in light of the enormous efforts and the unprecedented expense already put out by your supporters. Many of your supporters deep down never expected you to actually obtain the Republican nomination, given the great deal of corruption and suppression taking place in corporatized party politics. However, most of those same supporters knew exactly why you had to START with the Republican party, in order to be taken seriously at all; and in order to build a real support base—which you have, if you will only run with it beyond the Republican party confines.

We love you, Dr. Paul, because you gave multitudes of disillusioned voters, a hope for the preservation of America's core values, in a dark time, when we had lost nearly ALL hope that America could again return from its increasingly high-handed abandonment of its own fundamentals—its own DNA of real liberty (the kind, which means more than president Bush's speech-writer rhetoric). The other candidates still running for president leave the more principled of American voters cold—even icy—those voters who still believe in the revolutionary concept of personal liberty, ensured by an absolute Bill of Rights!

Many of us are now feeling an indescribable let down, after hearing your repeated refusals to even consider an eventual third party run (we knew that you HAD to say it, but we hoped you didn't HEARTILY mean it, when you said it), because that has been the secret hope we've been harboring all along, and basing our fervent continued support for you upon.

I sense this is true of the majority of your supporters, who in reality come from circles far wider than the Republican party can possibly encompass. Your appeal is much wider than this Republican primary run has given you credit for, too, and your ability to reach out to your total possible base has been stymied by your party's hostility toward your most foundational principles. Liberals, and all of those who like to label themselves "progressives", are as much secretly—sometimes openly—attracted to you as are real conservatives, but they have not been given the opportunity, yet, to even choose you, because of your Republican attachment.

Justin Gardner of Donklephant.com once pointed out that your demographics are vastly different from the demographics of past third party candidates—even from your own prior third party bid—and he was RIGHT! You have at your disposal—if you will take it, and run with it—the energies of a true rEVOLution in American politics. No past third party candidate, has ever experienced the populist fervor that you have tasted, but the first wave of, in the last year. If any person ever had a chance to do well in a third party bid, it is YOU, NOW! Your running third party in this election, could just possibly be the very thing to help America finally break itself out of the confining narrow mold of our two-party big government exclusionary gridlocked system!

Adding to other reasons for you to consider taking this unique opportunity, is the fact that there are leftist politicians now throwing their hats into the third party ring. The very presence of a widely known—and feared (why else would they work so hard to suppress you?)—conservative to balance the third party offering, might in itself open minds to a genuine consideration of the outside-of-the-box contest, to a greater extent than ever before. Millions are now longing for an "OTHER" option in this race, and if you deprive those voters of having your name at least on the ballot next November, as an official option, then you may have taken away their only possible incentive to even cast their ballots at all! The spirit in America is ripe for you, if you will only dare to open your sail and harness it!

Your campaign has needed more time, anyway, to inform more Americans about our message of liberty! They STILL don't know you, because you've been widely blacked out. This is your chance to GET the additional time you need, to make up for the media's refusal to fully inform their trusting viewers about all their options.

It is with the deepest sense of respect for YOUR intentions, Dr. Paul, that I remind you just how your campaign began, and how it has been driven by, the urgings of your supporters—in spite of your intentions—who saw in you a rare politician of principle, and possibly the last best hope to turn our country back from the dreadful brink we are now teetering upon. It was not your intention to run, then, but you still responded to the urgings of supporters, as to a voice of prophetic urging. So now we appeal to you, again—a great deal MORE supporters than knew you then—in much the same spirit, to PLEASE open yourself up to a third party—or even dual party—run!

I will still vote for you, come November, whether you are on my ballot or no, but so many millions MAY just vote for you—in an overwhelming surprise to the arrogant establishment—if you simply make sure that your name somehow GETS there! Please give Americans a REAL CHOICE! The Republican primary gives but a handful that real choice, and the most influential of the handful end up being media-washed neocons living in Iowa—hardly a representative sample of the entire rest of the country (which was told, following Iowa, that you had NO chance—a self-fulfilling prophecy).

Please think about it.

Paul Bear (www.RonPaulite.com)

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