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Strange Winters [mtv vlog 1-30-08]


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THIS WEEK in Eugene, Oregon and the surrounding areas, there has been a lot of talk about the weather. But not in a mundane fashion, such as when you are having your gas pumped (remember that 'round here, you cannot pump your own gas, it is all full serve!) and offhandedly offer the station worker an observation about the local and eternal wintry curtain of rain.

No, the talk has been more along the lines of "what is going on with this weather?" Because the past couple of winters have brought an atypical amount of snow to this city west of the Cascade Mountains. In fact, 2008 has seen the most snowfall to hit Eugene, Oregon, since 1996.

Here's your faithful Street Team 08 Oregon rep with a short visual presentation of the latest strange winter to visit us.

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For backstory on winning the chance to rep Oregon for MTV, click the logo below.

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Crossposted to The Unapologetic Mexican, Jesus' General, Corrente, and Culture Kitchen.


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Nezua is an author and illustrator by trade, a rebel at heart, and a fugitive from the iron claw of ennui. You can find more of his writing at http://www.theunapologeticmexican.org , his videos at http://think.mtv.com/profile/Nezua , (more...)
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