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Terrorists on the Rampage in Tribal Areas

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Muhammad Khurshid
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There will be no exaggeration to state here that tribal areas situated on the Pak-Afghan border were taken over by the terrorists and Taliban. They have established their government. Now, the situation has taken an ugly turn as the terrorist groups have started fighting with each other for control of the areas.

It is interesting to note that the government of Pakistan has provided full support to a terrorist group in their fight against their rival groups. According to reports, hundreds of people, mostly women and children, were killed in the fighting. The government of Pakistan has been demonstrating a dubious role in the episode.

A tribal leader said that the functioneries of the Pakistani government have been using this situation ito fill their pockets with dollars and rupees. He said that the corrupt officials are responsible for the worsening situation in the tribal areas. He suspected that some dreaded terrorists who were wanted in the United States had been hiding in the areas and this is the reason that the officials have created a war-like situation in the areas. In this way, they want to keep the coalition forces away from tribal areas.

According to media reports, security forces opened fire on demonstrators who tried to storm the house of a rival leader in Khyber Agency, Tribal Areas, Pakistan, killing six people.

More than 1,000 members of the Lashkar-i-Islami (Army of Islam) organisation gathered in Bara to demonstrate against the rival Ansar-ul-Islam (Companions of Islam) group. Some armed members of the mob then marched towards a nearby village to attack the house of Ansar-ul-Islam's leader, Pir Saifur Rehman. In a bid to disperse the crowd, local tribal police and paramilitary units opened fire and six people were killed and 10 injured. Lashkar spokesman Misri Khan said he knew of five people who had died on the spot and dozens of others who were wounded.

Reports reaching here said that the government forces have been supporting one religious group against other. The tribal elders and maliks have appealed to the United States, United Kindom and United Nations to take notice of the situation. They suggested that the government of Pakistan should be reprimanded on this issue.

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Muhammad Khurshid, a resident of Bajaur District, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is journalist by profession. He contributes articles and news stories to various online and print newspapers. His subject matter is terrorism. He is (more...)

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