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Are We Just Too Stupid To Survive?

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Mr M
Message Michael DiBari
Are people way to far gone to survive? I find myself asking that question more and more.  

Since when should any of these cretins that are whipping the Horses of the Apocalypse fear anything from a mass of people that are so ignorant, gullible, self-indulgent and down-right stupid as the majority of the people in this country? 65% of "the people" couldn't find this country on a map, do you think they're going to know what's in our Constitution, or care? For all they know Geneva Convention could mean a convention of salami makers.  

The 35 year plan of dumbing-down this country by neo-con elites has worked. Vietnam was a massive failure for them, but they didn't give up. Oh no, they marshaled their forces, figured out where they went wrong and came back strong.

I was having a conversation with a recently retired 30 year military commander today. He'd been to Iraq with his unit for most all of the occupation. When I started questioning him why we were there he gave the same old stupid reasons, there were "terrorists". When I blow that out - he claimed he was completely unaware that Bush had publicly admitted that there were no WMD's or terrorists following Osama binLaden training in Iraq - he went on, "because of 9/11", I informed him that not one of the so-called hijackers were from Iraq and that we just covered there were no terrorists training there, and I asked why we didn't attack Saudi Arabia instead, being that 17 of those so-called hijackers were from there, he said "because we work for them".

I kid you not.

It is answers like that, that simply suck air out of your lungs. You know you're mouth is wide-open but you can't seem to be able to shut it, it feels like you're standing on your bottom lip and you can't move your feet You've been hit with a wave of stupidity that has power to paralyze people. It might even be a military weapon, something they train commanding officers in, say something so incredibly stupid that your adversary is momentarily stunned.  After about 30 seconds - that's how long it took for blood to flow back into my head from my feet, which had more sense than my brain at the time, because my feet were screaming at me to get the f*ck away from this man! NOW! - I collected myself and asked in what capacity do we "work for them? And when he took his oath to defend the Constitution did he say it in our language or theirs?

He answered with that lamest of  all answers, "If you can't understand, I can't explain it to you", that only answer someone gives when they don't have an answer.

Then this idiot went on that most Iraqi's don't want us to leave, which of course, didn't answer my question of why we were there. I didn't want to go into why he thought he could trust these people after we've killed over a million of their brethren. Next it was, "because Saddam was killing his own people". Which of course is stupid, we could invade 60 countries on that premise. And we don't have other countries armies coming over here because we're killing our own people. Come home and stop the killing here before you go around practicing false superiority over people you have no knowledge of.

Anyway it went on and on and I would slap down everything he said with evidence and in the end is was "that's why we fight, so we can have the freedom to have different opinions".

Different opinions ... that's when you argue who has a better point guard, not cold-blooded murder of 3,000 people in broad day-light and genocide of a million more. And a million is what most agree is a "reasonable" number now, it just rolls off the tongue now ... one million ... one million, until you don't even notice that no one seems outraged saying it anymore, it's just a number ... one million ... and if they're agreeing to one-million, it must be more ... and these one million were once people, flesh and blood and bone, with all good wishes, hopes, and frailties that I would hope most all of us have had.

But than I have a conversation with someone that is unable to understand a difference between right and wrong, like this idiot, and I begin to wonder how so many people could be so fooled for so long, and how on Earth have we been able to survive as a species this far being so dumb? But he's not an idiot. The man flew jet-planes. Went to college. Yet, he didn't even have mental capacity to grasp what's called "country sense", if it doesn't feel right, it most likely isn't. And to have people like this, who can rise in rank and power, who are missing this fundamental element of what it means to be humane, and knowing they're armed trained killers, and were allowed, more, encouraged to do what killers do is a monumental testament to the massive collective stupidity of mankind.

Are these "the people" we're suppose to be counting on? What's it going to take to make the people rise up against such inhumanity? 3 million? 5? 10 million? More? When they become one of the million, will that even the score?

This man had command of many soldiers, who fought for 5 years in a war, and other than lame excuses he gave, never even questioned what the hell we were doing there. He just knowingly blow children apart. 

He spoke of how they don't show all "the good things" ... and I wondered what moral compass says to a man, if 90% of what you do is good and you excuse 10%, or even 1%, even when that percentage includes, torture, murder, rape, and depravities that make those mentioned seem mild, that you still can be proud of what you do? That you would still be so deluded to simply dismiss that "bad behavior", because you built a school that week. Never mind there are no children to attend it, because they've either fled or were dead.

This is the magnitude of stupidity we have to deal with. Gods are powerless against this amount of stupidity.

And God forbid I should have gotten into 9/11 with this idiot. But there is hardly a day that goes by that I don't engage someone in 9/11, I did that today also, but with someone I've known for many years who I know to be a cynic, and a stranger, who happened to be a professional wireless technician, and I don't even want to go into the magnitude of denial, ignorance and stupidity here.

When masses of people can disregard what they've seen with their own eyes, and instead believe outrageous lies, and I run into it every single day, it wouldn't surprise me at all if those that are doing the lying gather every so often and crack-up hysterically over the quantum amount of gullibility in people.

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Currently I'm a cartoonist and contributing writer for The New Orleans Levee. For those wishing to view my work you can see my latest at: nolevee.com
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Are We Just Too Stupid To Survive?

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