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The June Cleavers of this country should have backed Al Gore in 2000

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Mary MacElveen
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I just love it when zany articles are sent to me that often have me banging my head on my desk.  Well, not really but you get the picture.  In yesterday’s batch of emails, someone sent me an article where The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , is offering a “new and exciting academic program on homemaking” Stated within this article it says that it is only offered to women.  I must add how prejudicial of them to leave out men.  If you are a man and feel that this is wrong, then my advice is to take it up with this seminary.  I would say burn your bra as women had to do in order go gain equality, but oops, you do not wear any.  Oh well.


In reading this fascinating article, I am reminded of a dialogue that took place in The West Wing episode, ‘Gone Quiet’ in which Bruno Gianelli conversed with Sam Seaborne in an excitable manner, Cause I am tired of working for candidates who make me think I should be embarrassed to believe what I believe, Sam. I'm tired of getting them elected. We all need some therapy, because somebody came along and said "liberal" means soft on crime, soft on drugs, soft on Communism, soft on defense, and we're gonna tax you back to the Stone Age because people shouldn't have to go to work if they don't want to. And instead of saying "Well, excuse me, you right-wing, reactionary, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice, pro-gun, Leave it to Beaver trip back to the fifties", we cowered in the corner and said "Please, don't hurt me." No more. I really don't care who's right, who's wrong. We're both right. We're both wrong. Let's have two parties, huh? What do you say?”


While that excitable dialogue says so much in expanding upon this new and fascinating course of study offered by The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, it is the “Leave it to Beaver” part that stuck out in my mind.  All that remember that show, ‘Leave it to Beaver’ remember the submissive nature of June Cleaver.  If you do not remember that show, most likely you are not a Boomer.


Is that what the state of mind this college has in mind for this country’s women?  Do they wish to turn the women of this country into Stepford Wives?  One would think so as one reads where “Seminary President Paige Patterson says "We are moving against the tide in order to establish family and gender roles as described in God's word for the home and the family...If we do not do something to salvage the future of the home, both our denomination and our nation will be destroyed."

She then goes onto add, “I always thought nations were destroyed by war, famine or disease. Little did I know it was actually women taking classes in anything other than ironing that determines the demise of a country.” I do not know if she is being serious or ironic by making these statements, but considering it was the Evangelical Christians namely Baptists who helped President Bush into office, their plan and vision backfired.  I will elaborate in a bit.

Getting back to Bruno Gianelli’s outburst in which he said that others would define liberalism as people who would “tax you back into the Stone Age” and where “people shouldn’t have to go to work if they don’t want to” I would suspect that the failed Bush economy has forced many American women back into the job market.  We of the Middle Class have seen our taxes rise, wages depressed in which the American family does not stand a chance.  So, the June Cleavers of this country are not afforded any luxury of staying home to raise our children.

If these women are to become mothers where their husbands cannot afford health insurance, Reuters reported, “The Bush administration has adopted new standards that would make it much more difficult for states to extend health coverage to children in middle-income families, The New York Times reported on Monday.” So if Beaver were to get sick, June should thank President Bush if her family cannot afford to pay the doctor.

In reading this most fascinating article, I zeroed in on this, Terri Stovall, dean of women's programs at Southwestern, said "Whether a woman works outside or strictly in the home, her first priority is her family and home...We just really want to step up and provide some of these skills." These days if a woman who truly does believe this ideology, the skills they offer, she may have little time to cook a full roast dinner after working one or two jobs in order to feed her children.  Who knows she may be a single mother trying the best that she can.  She may only have time to cook hot dogs and beans.  At least she is providing a protein and a vegetable.

Now if June wishes to quit a job in order to stay home with the children even if she is married, according to the NY Times, “Americans earned a smaller average income in 2005 than in 2000, the fifth consecutive year that they had to make ends meet with less money than at the peak of the last economic expansion, new government data shows.” My guess is that June will have to keep on working.  Any degree in homemaking from this seminary college will have gone to waste should the economy stay on this track.

If hindsight is truly twenty-twenty it is my opinion that these Evangelicals namely Baptists bet on the wrong horse if they wanted women home bare feet and pregnant by supporting George W. Bush.  They should have backed a man who would have given many women the self-permission and breathing room to stay at home if she believed that running the home was her top priority.  That man is former Vice President Al Gore.  Al Gore foretold in the 2000 presidential campaign how unfit Bush was should he become our president.  Bush’s record as governor of Texas proved so as he left that state in a fiscal mess.

I would have to opine that this seminary college teach women accounting and economics instead of homemaking.  It is their only fighting chance in this uncertain world.  To all the aspiring June Cleavers out there, my message is study the economic record of any future presidential candidate so that you can stay home should you wish to.

Also, June, should you wish to see your son’s and daughters live well into the future if you believe that your children are your priority in life, make sure that you back a candidate that is not a warmonger.  Do you really wish to supply any war hawk candidate with bodies to fight on and on?  Do not let this government leave your child behind in some grave in the future.

Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net

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I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog http://www.mary-macelveen.blogspot.com I have been published by Buzzflash.com, TheLiberalPatriot.org and MikeHersh.com. I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have (more...)
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