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The Death of Democracy

By Mary Ann Gould of the Coalition for Voting Integrity and Susan Pynchon, Florida  Posted by Joan Brunwasser (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   1 comment
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Joan Brunwasser
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PLEASE take a moment and first read the post/editorial below and really see what is happening in America.

We have to fight even more to stop same from happening here .... unbelievable.. the vote is being stolen and people aren't aware....or don't they care?

No law or government should force us to vote on unsecure, unreliable, unverifiable machines/systems! Yet our own federal government has found "significant concerns about the security and reliability of electronic voting systems" and have provided back-up evidence! Despite this and other data, Pennsylvania and Bucks County appear to be driving towards completely paperless, unverifiable voting at a huge cost to you in $$$$$ and future. Florida has just lost their fight. Will we be next? Will you allow this?????

No paper...no proof...= no vote! No vote = no democracy! If we lose the vote, we lose all other programs and issues you care about from Iraq to caring for those truly in need, to more port type sales of American assets, to loss of opportunities for a better future for you and your children. Will you help defend our vote which is the foundation of everything else in America...the foundation of democracy and freedom?

Your choice...your future! Act now, time is truly running out! http://www.coalitionforvotingintegrity.org Homepage Action Items ...also volunteer and make your presence known at vigils and rallies. Please contribute whatever you can to our...and it is OUR... legal fund for this lawsuit may be the last defense against the juggernaut rolling from County to County across Pennsylvania. Your voice and action must join so as to be heard and felt....people must be seen who are willing to say the vote is sacred and belongs to us and we will protect its' integrity!
No Paper...No proof...No Way!!!!

Our "leaders" appear to be doing nothing to stop this travesty...The Coalition for Voting Integrity is fighting hard but can not do this job alone....it now is truly is up to YOU and You - WE - CAN...Together!!!!

Please circulate this email and the story below to people who will be concerned.... we all have a great deal at stake

VoteTrustLeaders · VoteTrustUSA Voting Integrity Leaders


From: Susan Pynchon
Date: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:35 am
Subject: The Death of Democracy -- Volusia Live Audio Feed
Dear VoteTrust Colleagues:

For anyone interested, tune in for the following:
TIME: 9:20 AM
DATE: Thursday, February 24
RE: Death of Democracy in Volusia County
Live Audio Feed at http://www.volusia.org/countycouncil/info.htm#audio

Thursday, February 24 will be a sad day in Volusia County. It is the day that Volusia, the last Florida county to hold out for verifiable elections, will finally be forced to give in to the state's drive for paperless touch-screen voting. Our long struggle to preserve our paper ballot optical scan voting system, which we thought we had won -- not once, not twice, but FIVE times, has ended in defeat.

Despite the fact that a majority of our county councilors want paper ballots, the state's refusal to certify the AutoMark (which has had its application in process for over one year) means the county has no choice but to purchase paperless touch-screen voting machines for voters with disabilities.
(See my editorial at the following link, printed today in the Daytona Beach News Journal: http://www.news-journalonline.com/newsjournalonline/opinion/editorials/opnopn92022206.htm )

Additionally, our Supervisor of Elections, Ann McFall, has stated that she plans to use 100% touch-screens for two weeks of early voting. This, of course, renders our optical scan system useless. You can't have an independently auditable election if some votes are on paper and some are not.

Again, for anyone who may be interested, the purchase of Diebold touch-screens is on the county council agenda tomorrow (Thursday) morning and may be heard on live audio feed at http://www.volusia.org/countycouncil/info.htm#audio The Diebold agenda item is scheduled for 9:20 am and the cancellation of the ES&S contract (for the AutoMark) is scheduled for 9:35 am.

In a symbolic gesture, we are planning to wear black to mourn the death of democracy in Volusia County and the state of Florida. It would seem melodramatic if it weren't all too true.

Best regards,
Susan Pynchon
Florida Fair Elections Coalition
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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)

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