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Keepers at the Gate

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Manuel Valenzuela
He Who Controls Television Controls the Masses

In this age of modernity and technology, where the television monitor has become the center of the average American household, from cradle to grave acting as surrogate parent, teacher, role model and as influencer of human thought, it should come as no surprise that entire populations can be controlled with such facility and efficiency, turning once thinking humans into grazing sheeple. For in today's day and age, he who controls television controls the masses, and he who controls the masses controls the nation.

Television has become, quite simply, the greatest tool of mass manipulation and thought control civilization has ever seen, an incarnation of the myriad of myths, fables, fictions, story telling, theologies and all other forms of 'bread and circus' history's elite have concocted from which to retain power and control the lower echelons of man's corrosive pyramid of hierarchy. In the television the elite have found the greatest weapon of mass control, seemingly able to dictate culture, politics, events, thought and destiny from the moment of birth to the time of death. It can even be said that it is they who can determine reality in twenty-first century America, magically making history disappear, altering the past, changing the present and molding the future. Reality is what they want it to be, shifting culture to their dictates, conditioning minds to fit their goals, pushing society in the direction that most benefits them and erasing from memory any manifestation that does not correspond to the reality they wish to create.

The ruling elite can, through clandestine programming and seemingly innocuous entertainment, influence the way millions of minds think, invariably transforming free thought into shackled reasoning. Over decades of methodical molding and development, beginning at the earliest possible age of a human being, those who control television oftentimes succeed in altering and indeed controlling the opinions, beliefs and thoughts of a person. Thus, the goals and views of the elite are transmuted onto those who stand not to benefit by the beliefs they now possess and the thoughts they have been brainwashed to accept.

This silent conditioning, achieved willingly by society, allowed inside the home by millions of families, absorbed into the mainstream and transported over the airwaves to all corners of the nation, creates entire armies of sentient beings conditioned never to question authority or the actions of governance. Over decades of assimilation and dumbed-down programming, the population comes to accept that fate has accorded them the role of sheeple in the games of social Darwinism and human caste systems. Thus, the interests of the elite and the control of the powerful are allowed to continue uninterrupted, without protest, dissent or challenge, assured of dominance, slavery and enduring reign over the sheeple of America.

In today's day and age, those who control television are corporations and the fledgling corporatists now in possession of government. The rise of fascism in America has also given rise to the mutually beneficial interests of both government and corporations, making the use and control of television of utmost importance to the ruling elite. With government and business fusing together, the resources of both entities can join forces to achieve the desired regimen of thought control, thereby having a greater impact in controlling more of the population, for longer periods of time, and in greater capacity, both by mass manipulation and by offering exactly what the human/animal brain wants most, distraction. Thus, mass media serves a paramount importance in the rise of corporatism, using all tools at its disposal to condition, manipulate, indoctrinate, distract and transform the masses, steering the population in the direction both government and business wants us to head in, creating massive armies of drones marching lock step in service of, and controlled by, the corporatist few.

With Americans watching so much television on a weekly basis, discarding books of enlightenment for monitors of idiocy, preferring the drug of fantasy over the sobering realm of reality, no longer capable of analytical, logical thought, choosing to incorporate as their own the views, beliefs and opinions of corporate media, the keepers at the gate are free to do as they please, disseminating lies, distortions, manipulations, propaganda and fictions into our homes and the minds of our family, young and old, never discriminating and always flowing in the interest of the Establishment.

From birth they have us hooked with their highly addicting programming, from cartoons to sitcoms to movies to sports to newscasts to niche channels, using our animal emotions and passions to intravenously feed us their vast array of products and opinions and services and trends and beliefs. From birth the manipulation of brainwaves begins, altering development, robbing innocence, supplanting free thought with manipulated ideas tested in marketing laboratories, making consumers and producers of us and enslaving our biological and psychological needs to those outcomes that offer them the greatest revenue, profit and rise to power.

In time we are conditioned to become slaves to the system, their system, becoming unquestioning automatons never wondering why it is that the same system we are a part of is intent on keeping us subjugated and exploited, why we work the hours we work, why we work five days instead of four, why we devote more time to work than to our children, why we put up with office politics, why we put up with long and stressful commutes, why our pay is what it is, why we continue watching television, why we place blind faith in immoral politicians, why we ever supported an ill begotten war, why we vote against our own interests, why we continue shopping for goods we don't need, why we purchase the products we buy, why we never question authority or speak truth to power.

As the brainwashing continues, and as the last remaining vestiges of free thought are chained to the gallows of corporate control, we fail to see that we have become a mere pawn to the system, an army of worker bees and soldier ants, one cog in a giant engine, exploited for our energy and our existence, a part easily replaceable, easily discarded, easily abandoned. Through the devastating dumbing-down mechanisms of television, along with the abandonment of education and the comfort of American middle class life, the Establishment is assured of a population acquiescent and pacified, remaining silent in times of disquieting conundrums, made merry by the plethora of bread and circus emanating throughout the land.

The genius of the American Establishment, learned after World War II, was in sacrificing a minute piece of the American pie to the growing middle class - that would have previously been greedily kept - in order to maintain the masses in an utter state of comfort, thus creating an environment of silent passivity, complacency and calm, where the masses would have nothing to protest or dissent over. The Establishment learned that a citizenry made comfortable in life would not protest the inevitable enslavement of their lives, or of their children. It learned that slavery could be maintained, and even sought by the slaves themselves, by offering a few more morsels, crumbs and bones than before, enough to live in comfort and thus never being given the opportunity to seek revolution, challenge authority or protest the status quo. By perpetually satisfying our mammalian passions, needs and emotions with a larger sliver of the prosperity pie, the Establishment saw that production increased, consumption rose exponentially, a calmer society permeated, citizens actually further enslaved themselves and, in the end, the same products produced by the middle class invariably were consumed by them as well, thus returning the allocation of resources back to the Establishment.

The television would only serve the interests of the Establishment even further by distracting the enslaved masses in search of escapism with fantasy-filled media, by programming young minds to the dictates of the system and by saturating the airwaves with the products and services produced by the masses, for the consumption of the masses, and the growing power of the Establishment. For years this worked marvelously, in the process helping to make American citizens the most comfortable people on Earth, given an overabundance of products by which to enjoy life, a growing standard of living and materialistic wealth beyond anything seen in human history. Yet the added morsels and crumbs and bones and fictions given us could not hide the control over our daily lives, our indebtedness to the system, our impotence versus power and our continued subservience to the Establishment.

The Soviet Communist Paradigm

The full introduction of the television would also be used for more sinister methods, arriving just in time to see the emergence of the elite's control of the masses through fear and xenophobia, using the manufacture and marketing of enemies, such as the dreaded Soviet Communist, to better control the direction of the nation and the population. The Establishment became fully aware of a grave and growing danger to its power and control that if allowed to foment in the minds of the masses could spell a deep threat to the system. This fear by the elite was not of Soviet communism, which was a product of human greed, corruption and debauchery by the Russian government, but of the principles of socialism, which were gathering steam throughout the world in the years after World War II. The Establishment, both government and corporate, would use the television, and the newspapers and magazines it controlled, to preempt the principles of socialism, many of which espouse the teachings of Christ, conditioning in the population fears, lies, manipulations and hatreds regarding human socialism, thus assuring itself that such a threat to its existence would be squashed in America.

Through television and mass media Soviet Communism and socialism were fused together, fear of "Red Soviets" was made all-encompassing and the introduction of the Cold War, thanks to an easily-manipulated and fear-gripped populace, became a prosperous era for war profiteers, defense contractors and corrupt politicians. The Cold War established with the population the idea of America as benevolent and inherently good, always right and never wrong, fighting for the freedom of the free world, doing battle against the dreaded "Evil Empire." Americans with social democrat tendencies were persecuted, anything anti-corporation was chastised, those pointing out the debased faults of the American system were ostracized and an entire nation was brought under the noose of fear.

An enemy had been created, and hundreds of millions of Russians were made subhuman monsters, all innocent and as decent as you and me, all fighting to survive a totalitarian regime. The brainwashing of Americans was so overwhelming, so successful, that for decades the Cold War raged on, living off the fumes of illusion and charades, creating bogey men lurking behind dark corners and making the principles of socialism a taboo subject to those whose unenlightenment is a cornerstone of the keepers of the gate.

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Manuel Valenzuela is a social critic and commentator, international affairs analyst and Internet essayist. His articles as well as his archive can be found at his blog, http://www.valenzuelasveritas.blogspot.com as well as at other alternative (more...)
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