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Zero Tolerance for Sloth and Talking Heads

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The Gore Factor. When all is said and done. When the talking heads stop spinning, the neo cons stop lying, the media stops sleeping, what will we be left with? A disastrous international policy of insurmountable degrees. An over taxed and over burdened armed forces. A domestic agenda that is slowly being chipped away into small little pieces of irrelevancy and last but certainly not least a Mother Nature so pissed off that Gulf Coast tragedy will pale in comparison to what will surely be "coming round the bend"...is this really what it will take for us to over come our obsession with unregulated, over blown, corporate run society? If we were a trustworthy society - well then we would be sitting here with a much different picture of our future but truth be told we, as humans, as citizens, are not a trustworthy bunch. We are living proof of this today. Look at every industry that is DE-regulated (thank you Ronald Reagan to start with). How many can you name are operating from integrity, social awareness, advancement for the good of all not just their board members? What kind of effect does the over simplified argument for:" free enterprise", "private sector", "Faith based" voodoo trash jargon...which fill all the right wing talking points- have on our real people? What kind of effect has this had on our well being as Nation and as a society? Al Gore said it best not too long ago." It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon not understanding it." Here in lays the key to all our woes.... every single one of them..., which brings me to my real reason for writing this piece. If I hear one more person start on that old tired rap that Al Gore is still the Al Gore of 2000 I will feel compelled to rattle their heads till all the old tapes of thought (due to just plain laziness of thought) are dumped into the sea of global warming gush! For the past 6 years this man has done everything he can to make a positive difference in our troubled world. Be it hammering away at the Bush administration, shining a light on global warming, hands on rescue during Katrina, general overall caring of other human beings...and never tiring pursuit of alliances across the globe. This is a man on a mission and we would be extremely lucky to have him as our commander in chief. If all of those who slam him contributed one 1/100Th of what he has then maybe.. Just maybe I could hear a morsel of what comes out of their mouths but until the "Dick Morris's", "Bill Kristol's", "James Carville's", and all the other cable news talking heads of our air waves have more to offer in their view of Al Gore than old recycled rhetoric who's mission is always transparent i.e.: White House tool or political hack...until I hear someone actually have a real valid new observation of the Former Vice President ...I will continue to push the mute button, work tirelessly on my blog, talk to whoever will listen... and pound the pavement with the likes of so many others who feel as I do- to prove these egomaniacs wrong, misguided and/or corrupted by their own selfish agenda. The curtain isn't just pulled on Bush and Cheney...there are plenty in my own party who are doing us a huge disservice...unjustly framing Gore to minimize his clout in 2008 is unforgivable. And the truth is...it just won't work no matter what party you are from or who's back side your planting that kiss on. I see a change a coming and it will start with Al Gore 2008..- make no mistake about it..it will happen!
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My passion is politics-my party is Dem and my mission is to help get America back on it's feet...no matter what!
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Zero Tolerance for Sloth and Talking Heads

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