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Help Diebold whistle-blower Bruce Funk

By Kathy Dopp, UtahCountVotes  Posted by Joan Brunwasser (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   No comments
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Joan Brunwasser
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Help Diebold whistle-blower Bruce Funk - Utah Salt Lake Tribune spreading disinformation

Kathy Dopp of UtahCountVotes has sent out the following appeal. I urge
support for Emery County Clerk Bruce Funk. He was discharging his
duties as the chief election official of his county in a manner that we
want all local election officials to act. Because of the suspicious
appearance of the delivered "new" Diebold TSx units he wanted to assure
that they were in fact "new", and were ready to be used in their first
election. He not only had a right to conduct such an examination, he
had a duty. From the reaction from Diebold, and the state officials, it
appears they want to make an example out of Mr. Funk so other local
election officials will be scared to question, let alone challenge, the
Diebold voting systems.

What County Clerk Bruce Funk and the independent examiners did, is what
should have been done during the testing and examination in California;
To examine the Diebold AccuVote-TSx as a voting unit from a security
standpoint. That was not done. Because state officials did not do their
duty is why a local election official had to step forward and do it.
Now he is being subjected to great pressure to resign.

Please show your support for his actions by taking the steps Kathy Dopp
recommends below.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kathy Dopp
Date: March 31, 2006 11:07:49 PM PST
Subject: [utahcountvotes] Fwd: HELP! Diebold whistle-blower Bruce Funk
- Utah SL Tribune spreading disinformation

Please help! Today's Salt Lake Tribune reporter, Glen Warchol,
(article below) is publicly reporting that Bruce Funk, the hero who
allowed Diebold voting machines to be examined, will be fired
immediately by Emery County Commissioners!


In Utah's largest newspaper, Glen reported the lies that Joe Demma,
Utah's Lt. Governor's Chief of Staff told him, as though they are
facts rather than citing his source (Joe Demma lied to all of Utah's
County Commissioners about the Diebolds to get them to vote them in,
and invented fictions about people he disagrees with to discredit
them. Demma is not remotely an honest person.)

Notice that Demma characterized the world-renowned security firm,
Security Innovation, whose clients include Microsoft and the National
Security Administration, as "election activists" and claims that
Bruce Funk had "election activists test" the machines rather than
world-renowned security experts (and Glen Warchol reports it as fact)!

Also, Glen Warchol (glenwarchol@sltrib.com) says that the Emery
County Commissioners have decided to FIRE Bruce Funk immediately
according to this article. (How can they FIRE an elected official
that the VOTERS elected?!!)

PLEASE help Bruce Funk immediately by taking a few minutes to email,
call, and fax Governor Huntsman's office; the Salt Lake Tribune
reporter; the Emery County commissioners; or other news reporters to
tell them the truth, and ask them to cover this story. Bruce Funk is
the ONLY responsible election official in Utah and he is being
punished and our Lt. Governor's office is colluding to defraud Utah
and Utahns with Diebold!!

This is what is really happening:


PLEASE help because Diebold is trying to charge Emery County $40,000
punitive damages to discourage ANY further expert examination of its
voting machines and is pulling the same ruse that it tried
unsuccessfully to pull in Leon County, FL, but here in Utah it is
succeeding due to the slick lies coming from Joe Demma in our Lt.
Governor's office who is colluding with Diebold with the help of
someone in Utah's State Attorney General's office.

For information see http://utahcountvotes.org for a new email that
goes to the Governor's office (but please personalize it)
and the irrefutable photo evidence and letter to Governor Huntsman
that explains the true facts.

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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)

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