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A Message To Families That Believe We Dishonored The Dead At Anti-War Protest

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William Cormier
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It saddened me when I read that many of the Families of slain soldiers In Iraq and Afghanistan believe it dishonors the dead to symbolize the unnecessary American deaths that occur almost daily in the Middle-East. As of September 13, 2007, there have been:

4,075 coalition deaths — 3,776 Americans, two Australians, 169 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, one Czech, seven Danes, two Dutch, two Estonians, one Fijian, one Hungarian, 33 Italians, one Kazakh, one Korean, three Latvian, 21 Poles, two Romanians, five Salvadoran, four Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of September 13, 2007, according to a CNN count. (Graphical breakdown of casualties). The list below is the names of the soldiers, Marines, airmen, sailors and Coast Guardsmen whose deaths have been reported by their country’s governments. The list also includes seven employees of the U.S. Defense Department. At least 27,848 U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. LINK

I wasn’t able to attend the protest myself due to family health issues, however, my heart was with those who were able to travel to the Capitol and voice their dissatisfaction with a war that never should have been started - and If I was able, I would have been there too. I cannot speak for all, or any of the other Liberals, Progressives, Iraq War Veterans and even a few Republicans who have become disillusioned with this war and spoke-out this Saturday - but I feel it necessary to respond in defense to those that did have the courage to march on the capitol and love our country enough to risk the wrath of the government. People who protest against the Bush administration often wind-up on terrorist watch-lists and are categorized as “risks to national security” merely because they are attempting to educate and alert the rest of America to the tragedy and real facts the MSM refuses to report upon in regard the Afghanistan and Iraqi War(s).

Anti-War Protest in Washington, D.C.

160 arrested as thousands march against Iraq war in Washington

* Thousands of protesters marched from White House to Capitol
* Dozens arrested after jumping barricade at foot of Capitol steps
* Counterprotesters lined sidewalks, leading to heated shouting matches
* Nearly 1,000 counterprotesters gathered near Washington Monument

WASHINGTON (AP) — Several thousand protesters marched Saturday from the White House to the Capitol to demand an end to the Iraq war, and at least 160 people were arrested when they jumped a barricade at the foot of the Capitol steps.

Many of the protesters were arrested without a struggle after they jumped over the waist-high barricade. But some grew angry as police attempted to push them back using large shields. At least two people were showered with chemical spray. Protesters responded by throwing signs and chanting: “Shame on you.”

The arrests came after protesters initially decided to lie down on the Capitol lawn with signs on top of their bodies to represent soldiers killed in Iraq. When police took no action, some of the protesters climbed the barricade. MORE

When you glance at the headline, it appears that a few thousand people attended the protest, however as your read on, that number is estimated at close to 100,000, if not more. As you can see from the photo, there were many, many thousands who had the courage to march on the Capitol - although for all practical purposes, the MSM seems to be reporting as little as possible on this story. As the protests grow larger, and more Americans awaken to the fact that their President has mislead them, the real fury of the people will begin to manifest itself, and the cries for impeachment will grow louder by the day - and they won’t quit now; this was only the beginning!

Merrillee Carlson, national chair of Families United for our Troops and Their Mission, told Fox, “When somebody goes and abuses our son’s courage and heroism by using it in this manner, it just strikes right to the heart and causes such pain that is unbelievable.”

“I think the name ‘die-in’ is offensive,” suggested one of the Fox hosts, “but I want to ask you this. Most Americans, if you ask them, cannot name one soldier or marine who’s been killed in combat. … This arguably, at least, heightens the awareness that there are people, in fact, dying in this war. … Do you see any merit in that?”

“They’re not doing it in a way to honor them,” insisted Carlson. “They’re doing it in a way to abuse them. to dishonor them, because they’re using it anti-war. … The protesters are going against everything that these young men and women believed in and that’s what’s disgraceful about it.” MORE

I believe there was no intent to dishonor their sacrifice; The protester’s took great pains to make it clear they supported the troops, and speaking for myself - the soldiers who have lost their lives in the Iraq War are heroes, every one of them, and answered the call from our President (sic) to invade a country that posed no verifiable security risk to the United States; they reacted patriotically and joined the military to help fight who they believed were presenting a danger to the United States, and also believed that Iraq was at least partially responsible for September the 11th, 2001; We take issue that they were lied to and essentially tricked into invading a county that had nothing to do with 911 - nor did they possess WMD’s. Recent polls indicate that approximately 30% of American adults still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911, yet sixth grader’s in Georgia are being taught in school that Iraq had nothing to do with the carnage that pierced all of our hearts that fateful day, and I believe it’s time that those 30% who still actively support this war be made aware of the real facts so we can unite as a country and place the anger and blame where it belongs - squarely on the shoulders of President Bush and Darth Cheney!

I believe that we all share in your grief, but we also recognize that almost every day more families join the ranks of the grieving, and I think most believe it’s their patriotic duty to stand-up for what they believe in, and attempt to avoid thousands of other families from losing their loved one’s too - and allow a war-for-profit to continue at the expense of America’s sons and daughters. There were no WMD’s in Iraq, and while your sons and daughters were sent on a mission to prevent Iraq from harming the United States, we now know - without a doubt - the American people, Congress, and world leaders alike that the Bush administration lied and misrepresented the truth about Iraq, and your loved one’s were sent on a mission that was based on lies and fraud!

To most Americans except those who have suffered personal loss themselves, the war in Iraq is what we see on the news; yet when the fallen are returned home after making the ultimate sacrifice, the flag-draped caskets are brought in without any MSM news coverage, many times under cover of darkness, all because the Bush administration is attempting to minimize the shock to the American conscience as we see America’s fallen coming home - and are thus made aware that yes, real people are dying in Iraq, and it’s our duty to demand that we begin bringing our troops home so there will be less grief in America, and once again, we can begin the real fight against Al Qaeda and international terrorism.

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