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The Greatest Lie Ever Told

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Dear America, I was born in 1969 in the summer of love. By the time I had become a man, the bohemian fest of peace and love had been overshadowed by a false religion of greed,war, and hate. While Reagan and Bush were preaching to a willing choir of a foundation of "their" moral values, my buddies and I were getting turned onto drugs, sex, and rock and roll. We were the evil lost boys as defined by the new Moral Majority. Wars and rumors of wars. The War on drugs. The war on family values. The culture war. And countless wars of oppression and force became the new evangelism. Somewhere in the purple haze of our lust, gluttony, and vanity we came away with messages that are lost to those who choose to judge us. "Blessed are the Peacemakers, Make Love Not War, and the greatest truth of all - Love one another." While stoned out of our minds, and screwing each other senseless, we rocked to the beat of the tribal drums of rock and roll and have paid with our freedoms, our sense of sanity, and our character. They have paid not for judging us, but have instead been relegated to positions of power and false moral certitude. The have told us rock and roll is the music of Satan and that we must listen to "Christian" rock with messages of submission. Drugs are of course also considered that of the Devil and have been prohibited and replaced with man-made chemicals and addictive earth bound compounds from which they profit. They tell us sex is wrong. Especially sex that evolves an anus or a mouth while they spew filth from their mouths and stick their messages of hate, greed, and control up our asses. Being brainwashed by a culture that profited from our "sins" while condemning us for them at the same time made me pick up a bible and see how truly "damned" I was. Funny thing-- on the way to Hell... I found out that all my friends and I had truly been misunderstood. Not, however, "misunderestimated." We also seemed to be truly living the words printed in red by the real Jesus Christ. Now we have an Administration that claims to have empowered the Great Decider who was appointed by God All Mighty. Has this moron who claims that Jesus is his hero read the most important message Jesus and the other heroes of mythology have told unto man-- That we must love one another? Do the right wing religious loons dismiss the idea of "Making Love not War," because all of us drug induced, deadhead hippies dance and chant to those ideals? Yet, still have they not read the Bible they throw in our faces in which Jesus declares, "Blessed are the Peacemakers?" That brings us to my most important point. The greatest lie this administration has forced upon the American people, and the plethora of lies is endless, is the LIE that they did not "out" the identity of a covert operative, Valerie Wilson-Plame. As the Libby trial unfolds it becomes ever more clear that Cheney and Bush both ordered that she be outed as revenge for her husband, Joe Wilson, writing to stop an unnecessary war of lies. Never mind the National Security implications, which are treasonous and warrant death under military law. They lied because Joe Wilson so loved his country he wanted them to know the truth about being lied into war. For that his LOVE of his wife was sacrificed on their Satanic alter of Greed and her life, the life of a loving wife and Patriotic American, was jeopardized so they could play war for profit. They sacrificed the greatest love an American can have for a great lie that destroyed peace and brought upon endless war. So I ask the religious right wingnuts out there - Do you still support a president and an administration that would sacrifice love for war? How blessed are the warmakers who tout National Security reasons for the secretes behind their lies and use as excuse to invade the privacy of innocent Americans? How patriotic are those who wave the flag and sacrifice national security by outing a Covert Patriot who was investigating actual weapons of mass destruction because her husband did not want war based on LIES about weapons of mass destruction. How Jesus-like are those who would ask our families, our children, and our soldiers to sacrifice for a war when they have never fought in war, nor will their children fight in this one and the others they have planned, or sacrificed a God Damn thing in general? Tax cuts for the private contractors who can somehow manage to pay, arm, and equip their mercenaries better than we even truly support our United States troops. Our intelligence community and our soldiers in uniform have become blood sacrifices for their FALSE-God and delusion of world domination and control. Not only should Bush and Cheney be impeached they should be put on trial before God, the World, and the American people. The global tribe must weed out that which is NOT of God, before it is too late. The greatest trick Satan ever pulled off was convincing the world he did not exist. The greatest trick George W. Bush ever pulled off was convincing a country full of sheep he never lied. "and the radical he rants in rage singing someone's got to turn the page" - The Grateful Dead, Throwing Stones
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