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How Bloomberg Can Become President

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Joel Hirschhorn
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Running as an independent, third party candidate and relying solely on his own money, Michael Bloomberg definitely can win the presidency in 2008 – if he follows my advice.


The numbers are on his side.  Take all the people who generally vote but are lesser-evil voters without any loyalty to either of the two major parties and who see themselves as independents or centrists.  Now take the even greater number of eligible voters who are so fed up with the political system that they don’t vote.  These are more than enough to dump the Democratic and Republican candidates.


The trick for Bloomberg is to passionately appeal to all these Americans by boldly doing the following:


Explicitly condemn the two-party controlled political system for being subservient to special interests.  Make the case for true political competition and that only an independent president can reverse the many negative trends that the vast majority of Americans see as ruining our nation.  Focus on all the dishonesty and corruption in BOTH major parties.  Apologize for previously being associated with the Democratic and Republican parties.


Forcefully condemn the free-trade globalization movement because it is killing the middle class and feeding massive trade deficits.  Make “Put America First” one of your campaign slogans.  Condemn the current efforts to form a North American Union.


Focus on reversing the terrible increases in economic inequality and insecurity by cutting corporate welfare, providing more money for worker training and education programs, and making the wealthy class pay more taxes.


Pledge to cut federal budget deficits by vigorously cutting wasteful federal spending.  Place emphasis on cleaning up the entire contractor system.


Be the first presidential candidate to support the use of the option in Article V of the Constitution for a convention requested by two-thirds of the states to consider constitutional amendments.  Make it clear that Congress has proven its inability to enact many necessary political and government reforms.  Note the need to remove obstacles to third-parties.


Totally support an immediate effort to create universal health care.  Explicitly condemn the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries for taking advantage of Americans and creating the world’s most expensive health care system that performs poorly.


Take on the illegal immigration issue by pledging to vigorously enforce laws against illegal employers and sanctuary cities, and promising to more strongly use federal resources to protect our borders.


Actively support a number of electoral reforms to increase voter turnout, such as making Election Day a national holiday, permitting same day registration everywhere, making voting mandatory, creating a none of the above option on all ballots, and reducing the voting age to sixteen.


Bloomberg should proudly boast of his enormous earned wealth and tell Americans that his wealth allows him true honesty, independence and total commitment to what’s good for the nation.  Be a proud populist and centrist.


A Bloomberg presidential run is exactly what the third-party movement in the United States desperately needs.  He is a far more qualified presidential candidate than recent rich candidates, namely Perot and Forbes.


Every American that recognizes the pervasive corruption and dishonesty in our political system should welcome Bloomberg’s candidacy for president in 2008.  With his own vast wealth and honesty he can single handily revitalize America’s political system.  We need a breath of fresh air after the bipartisan stink that has fouled our nation for far too long.

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Joel S. Hirschhorn is the author of Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment, Delusional Democracy - Fixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government and several other books, as well as hundreds of (more...)

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