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Show Me The Law

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Jeff Maehr
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What part of illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous don’t people understand? Part 2

Show me the law!


Most Americans have been told that "income taxes" are required. We’ve all accepted this as "conventional wisdom." After all, we have to pay for our government, roads, schools, bridges, etc., right? What most DON’T know is that not one red cent of income taxes goes to pay for one single thing in America... except the interest on the national debt.

Sound impossible? Ever heard of the "Grace Commission?" It is the government’s own report which Ronald Reagan, in 1982, commissioned to study how money was being spent and how to get rid of wasteful spending. Conclusions? Every penny brought in by income taxes goes toward the interest on our national debt. Nothing for paying down this national debt OR running government. Nothing.

In part one of this series, we learned how government can print all the money it wants. Income taxes are NOT necessary, and this is a very brief discussion as to WHY. Our country went without an income tax for 150 years for the most part, so WHEN did we get saddled with a permanent one, and why? Guess what year the IRS came into being. 1913, the SAME year the Federal Reserve was established. Coincidence? Hardly. The financial scam between government and bankers needed a good cover. Income taxes were always meant to be temporary... then abolished once funding of such things as a war was complete.

This wasn’t good enough for the greedy black hole residing in the hearts of the leaders of our country, and the wealthy "elite" who have aspirations for world control. The Federal Reserve (FR) was the initial scheme to transfer vast wealth from Americans TO this power base. In order to spend billions and trillions, government and this cabal needed something to point to that American’s could see, and believe that government was spending money obtained from an obvious source... taxes. Without income taxes as a distraction, Americans would obviously see the spending scam and theft of their money clearly and demand an accounting of spending, and government leaders.


The "income" tax was born as the facade which hid the counterfeiting scam taking place, and it also was the twin fraud which greased the wheels of the FR. However, there is one small problem. The "income tax" as applied to most individuals by the IRS is both unconstitutional and illegal. There is NO law in either the IR Code, OR the Constitution which requires MOST Americans to pay income taxes on their wages, salaries, etc. (Corporations, on the other hand, CAN be liable for income taxes, but only according to Constitutional requirements, which is NOT being obeyed). They have deceived most Americans into voluntarily assessing themselves, thereby making the money they receive, "donations," which are gladly accepted.

Have YOU ever personally read the IR Code? Have you proven you owe income taxes, or have you simply accepted what you’ve been told, like everyone else? Do you even know the legal definition for "income?" Did you know that it is not defined in the IR Code? If you received a bill for $4327 from the IRS for the commercial production of alcohol, growing of tobacco, or manufacture of firearms, would you simply pay it and go your way, or would you contest it because you KNOW you did not do any such manufacturing and weren’t liable for that tax? Those activities ARE Constitutionally taxable.

If you wouldn’t simply pay that bill for something you KNOW you didn’t owe and weren’t liable for, then WHY do you, yearly, fill out your own tax assessment on the 1040 form, claiming you have "income" and yet you don’t even know the legal definition or what the Courts say regarding what "income" is and what the IR Code and Constitution say about who is truly liable? Hint: Income" is NOT "all that comes in.

"...income; as used in the statute should be given a meaning so as not to include everything that comes in. The true function of the words "gains" and "profits" is to limit the meaning of the word "income." S. Pacific v. Lowe, 247 F. 330. (1918).

If you received wages for a days work, did you "spend" anything of value FOR those wages? You "spent," or paid, your time, effort and life for those wages. You agreed with another party to do something in "exchange" for your labor or work... $10, $12, $15 an hour for your effort. That is NOT legally defined as "income." You simply made an exchange, nothing more. Income is something that comes in FROM wages or pay. In other words, for example, interest on wages you put in the bank is "income." The IRS is telling you and me that our labor, our effort, our lives are worth NOTHING when they say that what we receive in wages is ALL classified as "gain," "increase" or "profit." Another example: You have a chicken, I have vegetables. I exchange the vegetables for your chicken. Where is the actual "profit" in that transaction? How have you been "increased" when you simply exchanged one item of value for another item of the SAME value? How about exchanging two five dollar bills for one ten? Did you make a profit in that?

The IRS says you make a "profit" with your wages and they should get their share, but this means your labor has no value in exchange for the wages and it is all "profit." This mathematical idiocy means if 10 people exchanged the same chicken and vegetables enough times, for other items, eventually there would be nothing left for anyone because the government would have it ALL. This process destroys the "principle" of any asset. True taxation can ONLY take from that which is ABOVE principle... or that which is actual "profit" or "increase." Wealth is destroyed if the principle is always attacked as it is today... to weaken the middle class and keep the poor, poor.

Corporations and businesses can deduct their costs of goods, supplies, expenses, wages, etc., and then what is actual profit on this corporate level (a privilege granted by government, but an individual making a living is a RIGHT which cannot be taxed) is what can be taxed according to law. Why can’t Americans deduct THEIR cost of doing business... food, shelter, travel, health, life and property insurance, etc., as any other business can? Is this fair and just?

The IRS and government leaders have obfuscated, suppressed and in every other illegal and treasonous means available to them, LIED to you about the truth of the actual laws. It is hidden within the pages of history, the IRS code book, as well as Supreme Court case laws, in previous Congressional testimony, and much more.

It is understandable to almost rebel at such a notion. Perhaps you feel anger at this author for suggesting this. To be told that you’ve been lied to and deceived by your own government all your life is almost more than most can deal with. After all, paying our "fair share" has been indoctrinated into our minds from childhood. It is the mantra the IRS and government continue to vomit forth, all-the-while KNOWING full well that this is a huge lie. Of course, the majority of IRS employees are ignorant of these facts, and are simply, zombie-like, performing their duty. Those in higher positions, however, know this, and have known for decades, and are directly responsible for the theft of vast wealth from every American who is now paying "income" taxes.

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Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper (more...)
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