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here's a scandal for you...

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Jayne Lyn Stahl
Message Jayne Stahl
For those who want something you can sink your teeth into, here's a scandal for you. How is it that this president took us into Iraq when we have a lunatic like Kim Jong in North Korea playing ping pong with Japan, and China over threats to flex his newfound nuclear muscle, yet another in Iran fine tuning his arsenal, and another mass murderer hanging out in a cave somewhere outside Pakistan? What's more, how is it that Mah Jong (not a typo) and bin Laden are free to roam the cabin while a deposed, and largely irrelevant dictator, Saddam, has been disappeared by the American criminal justice system which has managed, simultaneously to also infect Iraq, Israel, and what's left of the "civilized" world?
The larger question is who cares about nuclear holocaust when we have elected officials who can't keep it in their laptop, and congressional "no fly" zones?
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Widely published, poet, playwright, essayist, and screenwriter; member of PEN American Center, and PEN USA. Jayne Lyn Stahl is a Huffington Post blogger.
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