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The Democrat's First 100 Deaths

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Message Jay Esbe
Now that the dog and pony show has commenced, pattern's are emerging. Apart from the 100 hour tap dance on domestic issues designed to allegedly distract the American people from the continued death and destruction in Iraq, I've noticed something else which began immediately after the Dems won back Congress: The onslaught of daily reports honoring "Fallen heroes" in Iraq in the media, seems to have ended very abruptly. In the last 6 months leading up to the 2006 mid terms, it seemed you couldn't turn on cable news without an hourly update on the losses of individual soldiers. Now it's difficult to even find one. Suspicious? You better believe it. Why, and what really does it mean? Being the conspiratorial sort -without apology-, I believe there were agendas being undertaken by top-down directives within the media, and there still are.

First, it should be clear to any observer not subject to intra-cranial rectal obfuscation (ICRO) that when it all went bad, the corporatocracy decided it's vested interests were not only no longer being served by the current hot-war in Iraq, but actually threatened. It was then that the media -not uncoincidentally- turned on an administration they finally realized had engaged in a massive imperial over-reach, and more importantly, was no longer controllable. So began the opening of the curtain and daily revelations of suffering in Iraq, and the loss of America troops as individual human beings was put in front of the American people to finally allow reality to influence an election. The puppet strings on Bush had gone awry, and the military industrial complex decided it was time to put the brakes on Bush in the only way that made sense; manipulation of public opinion.

Now that the elections are over -of course- the vested interests who rely on global conflict to maintain or increase market shares had to prevent the pendulum from swinging to far to the left, lest they actually lose control of the greater conflict -the so-called "war of terror"- and find themselves under investigations which actually go somewhere absent an administration which certainly could have and should have been impeached. Thus it was determined: The "left" would get their moment in the sunshine but the pendulum would be stopped cold at dead-center. I believe this is what has happened, and the sudden lack of media focus on daily U.S. loses as they were shown in the lead-up to the mid terms, is one of the evidences of their power to shape public opinion. The way to neutralize the left has always been accomplished with a tease, the leading of the sheep, followed by turning out the lights once the gate has been shut.

It is thus with a heavy heart that I must opine, that just as with the debacle of the Democratic convention of 1968, a group of controllers at the heart of the DLC, has once again acted in conspiracy with it's corporate contributors to bring you the dog and pony show on display now. The anti-war movement now finds itself in a small room, with the lights turned out, and most of them still don't even know it.

The DLC made certain that the right promises were never made prior to the elections, and in so doing, they insulated a majority of winning candidates from breaking certain promises; Promises not to impeach Bush and Cheney, not to actually exercise the power of the purse to stop the war. These pathetic political parasites can now look at the American people with impunity, and say "we never said we'd do that". And so they did. The intent of their controlling interests all along has been to make certain that the conflict between the United States, and Islam in oil rich areas -if not Iraq- is passed along with the torch when a Democrat is elected President in 2008. They never really care which party it is, the job still gets done.

If the end-game of neoconservatism is "global full spectrum military dominance by the United States" -and it is-, and possession and control of the "energy rich regions", do you really believe abortion and gay marriage were ever a "value"? It must be realized that this insidious quest to fundamentally destroy the United States' Constitution and Bill of Rights to enable PAX Americana is, and has always been a chipping away which takes place from the bowels of both political parties, and that when the torch is passed to a Democrat in 2008, America's murderous harvest of resources will continue.

What is needed then if there is to be any hope of stopping the Beast, is a coalition, the mutual interests of which has increasingly evidenced themselves over the last two years: A coalition between the (so-called anyway) "hard left" (Progressives), and what have come to be termed "Paleo-Conservatives"; both groups are appalled at the fundamental decimation of traditional American sovereignty, IE domestic manufacturing capability, jobs, secured borders, fair trade, and America's commitment to personal liberties, and foreign wars for profit. It is thus that Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader, Chuck Hagel and Dennis Kucinich have a fundamental common interest that is shared by a majority of people in this country, yet totally unrepresented by design. The game of "majoring in minors" must be ended by such a coalition; divisive, manufactured social issues can wait, they must wait. This is serious.

The funding -already approved- for this war must be re-directed by Congress for the sole and express purpose of bringing the troops home from Iraq. Bush and Cheney must be impeached. This is not going to happen without the coalition of which I speak. If there is any hope of actually ending the control of the so-called neoconservatives over both parties, it must be understood that their influence and control has it's tentacles around both parties, and individuals from both parties hoping to end it, must recognize this fact and act to form a distinct and separate alliance outside even the participation of party leadership. They must then present their case to the American people in the form of a bi-partisan bill designed to put the political game players in the DLC on the spot: They must play political hardball from outside the box to end the political game as it's been played.

At this point, the media is colluding with the DLC to insure that when the agreed upon Democratic candidate receives the nomination, that America's long simmering -but needless- confrontation with Iran will begin in earnest. It's beyond the scope -and probably the bandwidth as well- of this article to "prove" the collusion, or identify all it's sources, but anyone remotely familiar with the Council on Foreign Relations, and it's relationship to the media, and recent uncoverings of CIA involvement in manipulation of public opinion through "planted" stories, understands that the accusation can be well documented.

Democrats who've placed their hopes onto -I do not use the word "in" for a reason soon to be evident- Barack Obama are treading a fool's path; cynically playing upon white guilt, black hope, and undeniable personal charisma, the media have already succeeded in elevating the most non-substantive, evasive candidate in recent history, into a presumed front-runner; As a result, Obama will probably either be the nominee, or -just as likely- the Vice President to Hillary Clinton. What he would not be is a President who will bite the hand currently feeding him (AIPAC). As it now predictably stands, all presumed Democratic front runners, are taking the neoconservative hard-line on Iran, and are dedicated to a lock-step global agenda with AIPAC, the most formidable political power in American politics you can directly attach an acronym to. If the Democrats end up with both houses and the Presidency in 2008, what will you call "neoconservatism" when this war for oil continues? The label has not only ceased to be meaningful at this point, but if the truth is not recognized very quickly, the chance to tell it will be over with the kind of finality we've already witnessed when one party controls all three branches of government. Who then do the American people look to for help? Despite it's utterly treasonous acts, the generational destruction of the Republican party is not something to be hoped for by anyone with an understanding of the degree of protection actually offered by partisenism. Barack Obama contrary to popular belief hasn't offered America's salvation with his targeting of partisen politics as the problem; he's actually threatening one of the last vestiges of protection from a type of final tyranny from which there will be no further redress. That makes him nothing short of dangerous in my book, for the real problem hasn't been division, but the unity of nefarious purpose between subversive factions in both political parties. God help us if we ever see all three branches controlled by one party again, and don't you for one minute think the Democrats are incapable of leading this nation straight into hell should there be no meaningful opposition. The continued existence of the more overtly idiotic of the two parties (the GOP of course) is actually essential to prevent this all from happening again. Will you really be thankful gay marriage is legal as your Sons and Daughters are drafted to die in Iran? I didn't think so.

The progressives and paleo-conservatives also hold another common recognition of the problem, that being of course the Israeli lobby and our utterly obscene AIPAC directed Middle East policy. That anti-Semitism is the last card played in American politics when the status-quo is challenged does not preclude it's also being the first card played, and also the most frequent card. Both the Progressives and the Paleos understand the problem, and if there is an ounce of courage to be found to counter the most dangerous and destructive power subverting the interests of the United States, it's to be found across the isle in both parties between Republicans like Ron Paul, and Democrats like Dennis Kucinich. President Jimmy Carter put forth what could be, and what should be the seeds of a profound national debate which has never taken place in this country, in his new book. Having this debate in a meaningful way, is going to require the coalition I speak of, and if it's not undertaken by people in both parties who care more about the United States Constitution than contributions, we are doomed as a nation destined to enter a conflict with more than a billion people. It goes without saying that "winning" will never be an option, but just as with Iraq, we will have entered a conflict without hope of victory. Unlike Iraq however, "redeployment" will not even be possible.

The coalition must also finally tell the obvious truth to the American people, most of whom already know it anyway; The United States can not under any circumstances prevent Iraq's fate. The false choice being placed in front of Democrats by politically ruthless, treasonous Republicans and DLC Democrats alike, is that "A plan" must be implemented to "succeed". This is as absurd as an arsonist who sets a city block ablaze saying "well do you have a better plan to put it out" when the area in question is already known to be a total loss. A Progressive/Paleo coalition must therefor tell this truth, not for the purposes of educating the American people, for most of them already understand the situation. This truth must be told for the purposes of ending the game being played in Washington; and it can be done by putting it front and center in front of Congress in front of the American people. Only then can the patent dishonesty of politicians still playing the "of course we want to succeed in Iraq" game, then be exposed as the fraud is clearly is.

Thus I ask the following Representatives to meet in a bipartisen, closed session of both houses to determine who else can be trusted and brought into a pact, free from the influence of both corrupted parties, to achieve the following goals: Ron Paul, (R, Texas), Dennis Kucinich, (D, Ohio), Chuck Hagel, (R, Nebraska), Jim McDermot, (D, Washington), and Jim Webb, (D, Virginia).

I ask that you draft a declaration of fact, stating that under no circumstances can the United States "succeed" in Iraq, that the fate of Iraq is in no way alterable by U.S. intervention, and that current funding be directed to withdraw all troops immediately, Further more, it must be stated that unless America's unqualified support of Israel is ended in the national interest, a state of permanent conflict between America and the Islamic world will inevitably destroy our peace and way of life forever if the central cause of the conflict is not addressed immediately. The finding of facts must address and clearly identify the foreign subversion of American foreign policy and put the corrupted Democrats and Republicans on the spot politically.

This is my proposal, and what it should rightly be called, is "The Way Backwards Out of Iraq". There is no "way forward". You do not speak of "the way forward" when speaking of what is currently destroying the country militarily, economically, and spiritually. There is no "way forward" into a "mistake", let alone the willful ongoing commission of a crime, which is what this really was.

If you believe Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, or any other DLC/Media approved 2008 presidential candidate will ever act to pull the United States back from the condition of endless war, you need a serious reality check. Obama is right about one thing, but he's only half right: The partisenism doesn't address the problem. But his act is -in fact- yet another diversion from what really does, for only a serious division and hard fought battle between the corrupt, and the few principled men from both parties can achieve the needed result. To truly accomplish that, this is all going to have to get very, very ugly at home first. You should have learned by now: Beware of the "Uniter".
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Jay Esbe is a writer with a background in cultural anthropology and comparative religion and lives in Seattle Washington.
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