Anthrax…Ricin…International Terror? It all pales next to an average day in America.
Basically there are two forms of terror as we commonly relate to such…home grown generic domestic self inflicted terror, and, politically motivated terror which can be either domestic or international in origin. The former is vastly more destructive than that latter.
International terror grabs all of the headlines (Oklahoma City and the Belt Way Snipers the exception), but for the individual being harassed by one of Americas self involved egomaniacal narcissist (America is FULL of them) that person is no less fearful during their daily life than that population living under the potential of a massive terror based event.
America is at war with itself, America terrorizes itself, and America is largely clueless to that reality. During the same time frame where over 3,000 American Service members have perished in Afghanistan and Iraq, on the streets of America the guns have been ablaze’n! Roughly 180,000 firearm related deaths on Americas streets since 2002! Who’s counting? The National Safety Council.
And those are just the gun related homicides and suicides. Add in few thousand more from knives, baseball bats, tire irons, fists, incinerations…well you get the idea. America is a landscape of violence hidden within and behind that very fragile veneer of “normalcy”. Americas violence hides in plain sight yet we focus on the minutea of random and exceedingly rare “terror” events such as the recent Las Vegas Ricin poisoning. Ricin is media sexy…and 9MM handguns are sooo five minutes ago. Of course they hype the Ricin thing…they know that we will feed with glutton like abaondon on the idea that America may need to bump up to threat level WOW.
I don’t need no stinking media to tell me about terror. To me there is no more degrading and unfortunate way to leave planet earth than at the hands of a drunk driver. While I would hate to spend my last nanosecond worth of recognition knowing that I had just been dispatched to the hereafter at the hands of an International Islamic terrorist, I would prefer death under that circumstance as opposed to being killed by a drunken self absorbed egomaniacal American narcissist. At least international Islamic terrorists have an ideology driving their insanity, but a drunk is just a drunk.
Yeah, terror comes in many forms, but a single Ricin victim is not a reason to go into a frenzy…unless you like the way it feels to be manipulated by the mass media. I would be far more fearful of being mugged and shot dead in the parking lot of the hospital where that Ricin victim is being treated than becoming a victim of Ricin poisoning.
America terrorizes itself.