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Surge Protector Fallin Orders Peace Activists to Leave Public Building

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James Nimmo
Message James Nimmo
Surge Protector Fallin Orders
Peace Activists to Leave Public Building

Februrary 22, 2007 (Oklahoma City) Today, CD 5 Congresswoman Mary Fallin ordered a contingent of 30 peaceful constituents to leave not only her public office but the entire building as well.

In addition, Mrs. Fallin, by way of staff, ordered media cameras and print reporters to leave as well and not cover the attempted eviction of peaceful constituents wanting to speak with her staff about the Iraq War, which is totally supported by Mrs. Fallin.

Her OKC office is located at First National Center, first floor, east end, the same location used by the gubernatorially- -defeated candidate former Congressman Ernest Istook.

As a three-term Oklahoma lieutenant governor, Fallin learned to take orders from her GOP party, withdrawing from a challenge to former Governor Frank Keating's second term and she is sticking to the game plan of supporting men in superior positions of power regardless of the morality of the issue.

Under the informed leadership of OKC attorney Rex Friend, Moveon.org activist Darla Sheldon, and OKC Peace House director Nathaniel Batcheldor, it was pointed out to the property manager of the First National Center, Ms. Chapo, who challenged the group's presence, that the well-mannered group was exercising its First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.

Ms. Sheldon was allowed in to the office to deliver over 100 letters from Mrs. Fallin's constituents expressing disagreement with the Bush Administration' s plan to further escalate the Iraq war, now going into its fifth year, longer than the involvement of the USA in WW II.

A compromise was reached wherein those constituents, wishing to, signed a request for an appointment with Mrs. Fallin at her convenience.

At least four constituents wanting to express their views with Mrs. Fallin's staff have family in Iraq, have been there themselves, or lost family members directly due to military action or suicide because of extreme difficulty in returning to civilian life.

Mrs. Fallin was in Shawnee, opening a satellite office where she no doubt commented on the interior decorating and its tasteful use of Mrs. Fallin's trademark color, red.

You can see some of the appointments Mrs. Fallin has in her date book while in Oklahoma on this current Congressional recess by going to her own website at:

http://www.house. gov/apps/ list/press/ ok05_fallin/ morenews/ enews1.shtml

Apparently, Mrs. Fallin only speaks with GOPer--registered consitutents bearing flowers and gifts as her invitation was not fullfilled today. She will be speaking at the Oklahoma County GOP Convention this Saturday at the First Methodist Church in downtown Oklahoma City.

After her own extensive campaign against five GOP opponents and her own scandal-ridden divorce, Mrs. Fallin is adverse to meeting with her constituents whose sole focus is helping to end the American involvement in the bloodshed of the Iraqi Civil War.

James Nimmo
Oklahoma City, OK

The views expressed in this aritcle are those of the writer alone and are not attributable to any other person, living or dead.

Bravery need not require threats to life and limb; it requires the moral engagement of the mind.
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James Nimmo is active in progressive issues and believes no one should be denied their equality because of the accidents of birth and circumstances.
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