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The Growing Relationship Between Iran and Iraq

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Timothy Gatto
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The one good outcome of the invasion of Iraq, is the growing trade between Iran and Iraq, once deadly adversaries not too long ago. If the United States has a problem with Iran trading so heavily with Iraq, they should remember how worried they once were about another potential adversary; Red China. Once China realized that it was easier to get what it wanted on the free market, China’s territorial ambitions were defanged, as ever there were “territorial” ambitions in China.

Trade is a good thing. The one way trade from Iran to Iraq will eventually shift with Iraq selling oil to Iran and offering Iran a cheap supply of manpower for them to open factories in Iraq. It is hard to go to war with a neighbor that you have an economic partnership with, businessmen don’t like their markets invaded. If Americans are afraid that Teheran will have too much of a presence in Iraq, then the United States must realize that Iraq is not a “protectorate” of The United States. Besides, Iraqi’s will never let their nation become subservient to Iran or any other nation. The partnership also irks some other nations in the region. The Sunni led governments of other Arab nations are up in arms with the closeness that Iraq is displaying towards Iran. The United States should welcome this as Al Qaeda is basically a Sunni led organization, and anything that gives them fits is basically good for us.

Iran could be an effective partner for us in the fight against Sunni-led terrorists. Iran is after all the closest thing to a Democratic Republic in the Middle East. If the United States wasn’t so paranoid about nuclear weapons, a partnership with Iran could be a good thing for all three counties; Iran, Iraq and the US. To rely on Saudi Arabia alone seems to be a Bush family anomaly. Saudi Arabia hasn’t done mich for America in the war on terrorism except to become the birthplace of most of the jihadists. The United States isn't going to stay in the Middle East forever (or will it?) and Iraq and Iran could become allies of sorts against Al Qaeda.

Why is it that the US can never just sit back and let events unfold and see what will happen? Why are we so keen on getting involved in things we don’t really understand? Because we are the most powerful nation on Earth doesn’t make us the smartest. The best thing that we could do is to stop trying to manipulate everything that we see as threatening. We cannot control events, they happen with or without our interference. We must understand that as a nation, we have lost the confidence of most of the world. We are seen as a paranoid, bumbling bunch of idiots operating on a global scale. The Best that George W. Bush could hope for in his tenure as President, is to finish out his term without being impeached. When it comes to the history books, I can’t say where he will rank in relation to other US Presidents, but I will say this; I would rather have my own legacy than have his. I haven’t seen this poor bastard get anything right yet. The best that we can hope fgor right now is to keep him busy fighting impeachment so as to distract him from making any more mistakes on the world stage.
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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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