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The Democratic Song Remains the Same

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Timothy Gatto
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What exactly will Hillary Clinton bring to the Democratic ticket? What will Barack Obama bring to the Democratic ticket? They will bring nothing. They are nothing, and stand for nothing. They will be exactly what the polls want them to be. They will try to be all things to all people. They will take, and talk and talk, trying to hit that combination of words and gestures that will make a convincing sound bite. Their world will consist of demographics and talking points, who's up and who's down? They will both pander to the Corporate Aristocracy and beg for a hand out at every critical juncture in the election.

Their "Brave New World" will promise work in states that have rising unemployment, military increases in states with large numbers of military bases, an end to the Iraq War in the Northeast and the West, even though the Democrats could have ended the war before the Presidential Election. Why would they want to lose their most salient talking point? Both will have a wonderful plan to bring peace and stability to the Middle East, and both will be heavily financed by the Israeli Lobby, so you know right away that the plans they have will never see the light of day.

These are your SOSO candidates. For lack of a better word or a better acronym, that stands for "Same Old, Same Old". They will become the Democrats "Du Jour.", if this is Tuesday and this is Florida, they will be the environmental Democrats, opposed to drilling for oil off the Florida Coast. If this is Thursday and they are in Arizona, they will work hard to bring a "Workable Immigration Policy" to America that will be fair to everyone, without giving any details, because the Hispanic Demographic votes also. Wherever they are, that is what they will be. Their throats will go hoarse from loud promises and their shoulders will ache from raising their hands high while their hands grasp the Governor's hand, or the Senator from that State's hand, or an Iraqi Vet that couldn't get care at the VA's hand.

When the dust settles and the Primary is over, all the name calling and the back biting will be forgotten, as now all the corporate donations for the Democratic side will now go to just one. The running mate will be picked and if the candidate is Hillary or Obama, it will be an "historic" race to see whether a woman, or an African-American can indeed become President of this nation. The race will be long and hard. Trying to be all things to all people can make one forget who they are in the first place. But in the end, if The Democrats win, Hillary or Barack will remember who it is, that they are. They'll remember they are just another dime a dozen politician that will owe their entire win not to the people that voted for them, or their speech writers that wrote those inspiring words for them, but to their Corporate and Special Interest money masters. The people that know exactly what their plans will be for his or her presidency, after all, they paid for the right to set those plans in motion. Hopefully the American people won't realize that they have been duped for the first four years so that he or she will win the next election. Nothing will change, everything will be the same.

"And we'll get on our knees and pray. Just like yesterday...that we won't be fooled again!"
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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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