By Frosty Wooldridge
Have you heard the old saying, "Tea for two"? For the most part, it's when one lady invites a friend to come over to the house for a cup of tea and conversation.
A whole new meaning for the cliché awaits you in the near future.
Within weeks, Senators Teddy Kennedy and John McCain, both hand-holding with President Bush, unveil their blatant invitation for as many as 20-28 million illegal aliens, not only to enjoy American hospitality, but these senators open up our entire overburdened social-services system to unlimited additional abuse.
Kennedy-McCain unveil their gift to no less than 20 million -- to a potential high of 28 million illegal aliens, plus many of their family members— to U.S. citizenship amnesty.
Lies, lies, and more lies
To give you a sobering handle on how Kennedy-McCain intend to pick your pocket, they insist only 12 million illegal aliens stand now on U.S. soil.
When the 1986 law passed, within two years we suffered 3.4 million "new citizens." We may expect a similar 300 percent growth-magic again this time.
The 2005 Bear-Stearns Report told us we housed 20 million illegals – and nobody closed the open-borders. Today, in 2007 reputable experts tell us we endure as many as 20-28 million illegal aliens within the United States borders – plus 10 million of their kids and grandchilds.
Please. Allow me to repeat myself – this is BIG! In 1986, when Kennedy engineered the last amnesty, he promised only 1.1 million illegal aliens would enjoy America's freedom after breaking her laws to come here illegally. The true number turned out to be 3.4 million. If you do the math, his estimated 12 million today could and most likely stands at least twice as high – to as much as three times that number.
New Cost-Estimate – Center for Immigration Studies
A new www.cis.org study by Dr. Steve Camarata shows a minimum number of 12 million illegal aliens will tap into $843 BILLION in social-services, education, medical care, school breakfasts and lunches, prison, rising insurance rates and other costs – and this is NET -- more than they will pay in taxes and usage fees over their lifetimes.
Dr. Camarata also estimated the costs if illegal aliens exceed 30 million, the worst-case scenario. That cost to your pocketbook skyrockets to $2.4 TRILLION.
In other words, Senator Teddy Kennedy, the man who brought you the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that added 100 million people to the USA in 42 years, and the 1986-IRCA amnesty fiasco -- is about to outdo himself again by giving our country a jump start on another 100 million added people.
As President Bush cheers, McCain gleefully follows Teddy into this "tea for 20-28 million" – a $2.4 TRILLION financial Katrina for the U.S. taxpayer.
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