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George W. Bush is morally insane.

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Message Jay Esbe
As we watch the world burn in 6th year of the Bush Presidency I am sometimes at a loss for words, and other times find myself overwhelmed with far too many words. Right now I'm in the later condition; appalled, stunned, amazed, and looking for possible parallels to assist the 18 percent of this country who don't get it, to get it. But they won't get it. Nothing can make them get it. Ever. If Bush were caught sodomizing a 9 year old on video, they'd find a way to blame Al Qaeda.

Because I need to vent, and find the parallels to make sense of total insanity, I'll write anyway.

Comparing Bush for the moment to an auto mechanic, and the American people to the consumer of his "services", here's a nice parallel:

Day one: You bring the car to the mechanic and leave it in the lot. You warn him about the neighborhood and ask him to lock it (PDB August 2001 warning of attacks on New York by Bin Laden) The mechanic leaves it unlocked anyway.

Day two: Someone opens the car, pours gasoline on the seat and sets it ablaze (9-11).

Day three: The mechanic says he knows who did it, and promises to "get the guy who did it and make him pay". He also says "No one could have foreseen this". But he refuses to let you call the police to investigate (Blocks independant 911 commission). He finally agree to let the police investigate, but he will call his personal friends on the force.

Day four: Frustrated in his attempt to get the right guy, the mechanic kills the wrong guy in your name (Iraq). He tells you that "God" told him to do it. He also tells you that the wrong guy was out to get you (WMD that don't exist), and that by killing him, your repair bill will be paid for in full by the proceeds he'll get ("The war will pay for itself").

Day five: The mechanic claims he's going to "secure" your car so it won't happen again. It's still sitting right where it was, but now it has graffiti spray painted all over it threatening to kill YOU, by the friends of the guy the mechanic killed. The doors are indeed locked, but the windows have been smashed out (Open borders). The mechanic tells you his murder of the wrong guy actually made you "safer". By the way, he also wants to tap your phone without a warrant. You know, to "protect you" .....in case they call.

Day six: The mechanic finally gets to work on your car. He takes it apart to the last nut and bolt and spreads the parts all over the shop (dismantles the CIA, abandons the search for Bin Laden and pulls needed troops from Afghanistan). He has ZERO qualifications (No foreign policy experience), but he claims he has a "deep and abiding faith" that he can not only fix the car, but "transform" it into something far better.

Skip ahead a couple thousand days: The parts for your car are still scattered everywhere, and many are missing. The mechanic has left your car's ravaged shell outside and a storm is coming. You warn him to move it inside. He doesn't. It stays outside in the rain, the plastic tarp blows away filling it with water (New Orleans) and the floors rot out. He claims "No one foresaw the breach of the plastic tarp".

The mechanic tells you "it's really a transmission problem" (Regime change), not an engine problem (WMD) and pulls the transmission out (threatens North Korea and Gives Israel a green light to attack Lebanon). But he doesn't put the engine back in (Afghanistan, Iraq are still raging). He brings his friend in (Israel) who then takes apart the transmission and spreads the parts all over the shop (Lebanon).

The mechanic has had your car for over five years now. Not only was the original problem never fixed, but it's been smashed, taken apart, the wrong people have been avenged in your name, everyone hates you and wants you dead, the vehicle is in a million pieces, rusted and water damaged.

The mechanic looks you right in the eye with a straight face and hands you the bill; it's more than a thousand times the value of the car when the car was new (the national surplus). You pay it: "for work done to date". The mechanic refuses to tell you when the car will be fixed. You demand an estimate and he refuses to give you one. He refuses to allow another mechanic to have a look at it (Congressional oversight). He tells you that it depends on the friends of the guy he wrongly killed (Iraq), "Standing up" and helping him fix it. You still want this mechanic to "fix" it. Does this sound completely insane?

George W. Bush has utterly destroyed this country, and no, he can not "fix" it, nor can the mental midgets in congress who ALLOWED him to do it. Bush is at best "Morally insane". Like a deranged child pulling the legs off insects and laughing, he's simply not capable of any higher thought processes. But what can one say about the people who were charged with representing you? Not enough.

The best that could possibly be hoped for at this late date, is to remove the mechanic to an asylum, and
to call in a team of trained professionals to assess the situation. That's not happening. Not until the mid terms. Will they remove him? I doubt it.

The mechanic is not only morally insane, but vengeful. He knows he can't fix your car. He knew it from day one, but he's a pathological liar, and fixing your car was never his intention in the first place. But now that it looks like there's a chance he could be held accountable for the so-called "failures", what is he going to do? Why he is going to make sure that your car is so fucked up, no one will ever be able to repair it; if he can't save his reputation directly, he's going to make certain he mitigates the damage to himself, by insuring that the next poor bastard who undertakes the job, is going to fail. He going to do it by making the vehicle a total loss; by throwing away and destroying the parts.

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Jay Esbe is a writer with a background in cultural anthropology and comparative religion and lives in Seattle Washington.
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