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Serving Divorce Papers to the Republican Party

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Debra Craig
They can't say I didn't try to retain my loyalty to the Republican Party. I stood steadfast as the George W. Bush regime entered into an illegal war thanks to the over 900 lies his administration told. I didn't throw in the towel as I watched our deficit reach an astonishing $9 trillion while thinking weren't we supposed to be the party of "fiscal responsibility."- Amazingly, I am a public school teacher who still hung firm despite George Bush's public education debacle, No Child Left Behind. For the past eight years, I have been embarrassed by a president hoping his nightmarish tenure was just an aberration on the successful track record of the political party who proudly boasts Ronald Reagan as its most beloved member.

But just as an embittered spouse faces the realization that their marriage can't be saved, I have come to the same conclusion with my political affiliation. Sadly, my thirty year commitment to the Republican Party must come to an end. Asking me to support John McCain as our party's presidential candidate after what we have endured with George W. Bush is asking too much from even a loyal, member like myself. Now they want me to accept John McCain as the best candidate our Party could come up with? I think not; it's time for me to seek greener pastures.

What's wrong with John McCain? First, he represents what's wrong with the Republican Party. They both are out of touch with the realities of the 21st century. Young people are coming out in droves to help pick a leader for this millennium and who will be a vast improvement over our current one. However could there be a political candidate more aligned with the staid, status quo, and yesterday politics than 71-year-old John McCain?

There is another reason to reject John McCain as the Republican Party's Presidential nominee. He also is out-of-touch with the pulse of American citizens of my generation, the Baby Boomers. All polls indicate that the economy is the number one concern of the American public. Yet John McCain by his own admission knows little about the economy. That's just what we need, another Republican doofus in the White House being controlled by "experts."- The majority of the public wants us out of Iraq. Not John McCain. He wants us there as long as it takes, whatever that means. People want something done about our illegal alien problem. John McCain's solution is giving amnesty to these law breakers.

Finally and most significantly, John McCain is the Republican version of John Kerry. How do they expect him to defeat any Democratic candidate in the general election when he has alienated so many members of his own party? He can't and won't win, yet he's the go-to-guy for the Grand Old Party?

Even though the idea of the Bush-Clinton dynasty continuing makes my stomach turn, maybe Hillary Clinton is right. Maybe the country does need another Clinton to mop up the mess from another Bush. It's unbelievable for me to think, but if it comes down to her and John McCain, I would rather have Hillary in charge. At least this time we will have a smart president in office.

I must cut my ties with the Republican Party that has let me down once too often. However, there will be happy days for me again as I have found my political party match made in heaven. It is an organization that believes like I do that "government at all levels is too large, too expensive, woefully inefficient, arrogant, intrusive, and downright dangerous."- They also understand the "Democratic and Republican politicians have created the status quo and do not intend to change it."- These are the views of the Libertarian Party, the political party most aligned with the forgotten principals our country was built on. We need a new American Revolution where citizens follow my lead and abandon the political parties that have destroyed a country our founding fathers would not recognize. It's time we get back to our roots of liberty, enterprise, and personal responsibilities that they fought so hard to achieve.

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Debra Craig is writer whose articles have been published nationwide. She is also the author of two books, the most recent one called, "Welcome to My Nightmare, I mean, Classroom: A Teacher in the Trenches Shatters the Myths, Lies, and Half-truths (more...)
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