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"Hoss" David P.
Message David Patterson
It's ironic that America's war dead are referred to as Treasure by the talking heads ostensibly running these Wars. It was always my opinion that treasure was something found, discovered and dug up. Something cherished and brought into the light to be shared by an admiring world. Not something squandered, wasted and buried, never to be heard from again except in the memories of those who loved them. Empty, tear stained echos of what might have been. Does somehow calling the war dead, "Treasure", justify the interrupting of their lives and sending them off on dubious missions ill-prepared, fraught with mismanagement, frustration and so far, failure? This reality is something more akin to a contemptuous, begrudging, token respect at best. Since genuine respect would have been a truly just cause with a mission plan leading to a certain victory. And this victory would have insured a better world for all it's inhabitants.
     To say these men volunteered and knew what they were getting into is nothing but a disingenuous talking point. These men alive were a true Treasure. Men who believed their elected leaders and took sincerely the call to arms. Men and women who felt it was their duty, privilege and honor to respond and take part in a higher calling of personal sacrifice for making the world a better place. Real alive People, who as it turns out, may have been  used and wasted in yet another War of Imperialism at best, or regrettably, just a contrived war for the profits of a few. As this goes on the only victories anyone sees are those reported in the Wall Street Journal's Profits to Earnings ratios of the stocks of certain, and we all should know who, corporations.
     My thoughts are not intended as disrespect for the dead. I'm trying to point out a certain hypocrisy towards the troops, alive and dead, by the current power structure. (Even though in the last 60 years this will make the 3rd war our great country has either lost or failed to bring to some kind of satisfactory conclusion. So this is not a new thing) A mere two weeks ago we were all brought the reality of the long term treatment of those wounded in service of our country. I didn't see much evidence that these wounded were considered much of a Treasure. I'm going to guess that the reams of cash sitting in the vaults of the real war winners are not surrounded by rats and mold. And I'm not saying those dollars, orphans of the cold and impersonal government printing presses, don't need special care and protection. What I'm saying is that there can't be a good real world excuse for the wounded Vets being relegated to such blatant dishonor and disrespect. Can I make the leap to say that the money means more to some than the Treasure of life? Perhaps their treasure is really more akin to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow after all. Rainbow being the check for another defense contract, oil well, and if you look at results, poppy field in Afghanistan. 
     Seriously, is this any way to run a world? Is this even a way to run a war? When will the deeds of our leaders match their words to us? When will we get a genuine respect for the living and dead in our military and their families? The families of the dead need more than just a ceremonial thanks, free flag and more guns fired off at the grave site. Leaving aside financial concerns, the families of the dead should be allowed the closure of knowing their loved one died for something they believed in. Free from doubt, suspicion and failure. That their willing sacrifice was worthwhile for the whole of life everywhere. Free from the taint of duplicity and scandal by the ruling classes. The families are entitled to realize that their military loved ones were and still are a Treasure not only to them and their country but to the entire world. An unshakable force for the good, true and beautiful. Something more than just fodder for the gristmill of corporate profits.
     The wounded Vets received only sparse mention today on the Sunday News Shows. The spotlight has moved on to more abstract matters such as the Lawyer firings by the Bush Administration. Perhaps Media sponsors and consumers don't have much appetite for the sinews, bones and heartache of real human interest stories. But still, even out of the lime light, this would be a fine time for the Congress, pentagon and White House to actually step up and take immediate, concrete remedial steps. Surely they can find a way to help the Wounded and make the lobbyists and special interests happy at the same time.
     It's time to not only "talk the talk" about our troops being "Treasure", It's long overdue time to "walk the walk" for our "National Treasure". "Support the Troops" has simply got to be more than just a talking point for support for the war. It has got to be a modus operandi for the sending of our troops; 1. only into clear and present dangers, 2. equipped, 3. trained, rotated and rested, 4. well paid, and 5, never forgotten and swept under the rug when their service has ended. Especially the physically wounded and the mentally and emotionally traumatized. So far according to my reckoning of the previous five, It's an 0'fer. 0 for 5.
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I am a simple man of eclectic interests and tastes with no particular academic credentials. I still perceive, think, read and write somewhat. Writing music is a hobby of mine

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