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' It's My Right "

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Daniel Glover
Message Daniel Glover

' It's My Right "

It's my right to speak my mind
though it may not be to kind.
I can be a mean old jerk.
For some you know, that seems to work.

You can protest if you please.
and pray to God on bended knees.
And you should choose who you will love.
That is a gift from up above.

Other people of the earth
have the right, from their birth
to choose the life they would live
A courtesy we need to give.

You may think your way is right
or simply spoiling for a fight.
When freedom's forced with pointed gun
liberty is all but done.

We should practice what we preach
if we should ever hope to reach,
others who might share our view.
If we don't then we are through.

You should be treated with respect
and do the same so you'll reflect,
all the values we hold dear.
And don't make others live in fear.

You should be free to find a job
that pays ok, no need to rob
or deal some drug to just get by,
or live on streets until you die.

You should have food and things to wear,
a place to live and folks that care.
And when you reach your golden years
you’re free to live without the fears.

You have the right to breathe fresh air
although there's some who just don't care.
Our food and water should be pure
so we won't need their costly cure.

It's you right to see this land
without some chip inside your hand.
You're not a cow to heard around
Our family's blood paid for this ground.

You should know just what they do.
We pay them well. They work for you.
And when you’re talking with your kin
do you want them listening in?

They shouldn't search and detain
or torture you. That's insane.
But they say it's for the best
as they put us through their test

We have the right to protect
and flush a rat if we detect
or change a law that's bad for you.
This land's not only for the few.

When you vote it should matter
And not just make some rich f*ck fatter.
All the rules that help things run
should be good for everyone.

I won't be forced to take a life
and fire a gun or wield a knife,
for a cause that isn't right.
That's a battle I won't fight.

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I am now 57 years old going on 58. I am  veteran of the Niet Nam War.\I hold 4 college degrees. I play guitar and write songs and poetry. I currently reside in California, and live with some cats and dogs in a nice country setting. I am (more...)

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