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Bush is Shining

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Dan Lee
Message Dan Lee
I just listened to Bush speak Bushspeak. For a long time I was feeling like I was a little off, tilted over to the left, and my criticism of Bush was not tempered by that thoughtful, "On the one hand, and on the other hand," of the person who is ruled by reason, and not emotion. But I'm done. This man is crazy. He talks about Americans giving their lives to defend their country, but we are not on the defensive, we are on the offensive. Can you imagine us fighting in Iraq as a defensive move? If you can, you need a new motherboard.

Bush talked about Al Qaeda in Iraq, and how we have to create a country where they can't operate. We invaded a country where they could not operate. We went in and overthrew a regime which ruled with an instinct for brutal supression, but we have a regime which has the same instinct. With Saddam's past we see the future of being with Bush. The difference is that we still have a shaky cage left to contain the madness. But it is being eroded quickly and ruthlessly. Bush has the tyrant's instincts toward being a very nice person who must have his way. If he does not have it he will use a little force. And if he must he will use a little more force. And there is nothing else but the game and to win it, so he will use the force it takes to dominate the game.

People who end up causing horrible suffering in the world do not start out wanting to do that. They start out with a belief that if they can make the world fit into the idea they have, it will work out in the world the same way it's working in their head. The imposition of National Socialism, of Communism, of almost any awful, oppressive system you can name, began as a favor the leaders were doing for the people. Playing to the thrill of Germany rising again or to the rise of the noble peasant or to privatizing the world for Christ are all just different faces of the same beast. They impose downward on people an ideology which is smaller than the world, and so the world suffers as the "temporary" tumult of making it fit is in process.

Bush is said to be a bright person, but if he is a bright person, he has gone to the dark side. He is a disgrace. He allows himself to be instructed by a public relations expert, "Wear this suit and just read the monitor. Just read the words and keep a straight face." If he is a smart person then he is deliberately substituting a created reality, one which exists only in the world of fabricated information, for the one which exists in the history of living, breathing, and dying human animals.

When somebody comes to the Presidency we expect them to move their loyalty to the Constitution, and to the good of the Republic, and while acknowledging old friends, not drive the country to hell in the interests of oil and munitions. Bush became President and just kept on working for the same people he'd always worked for, forging right on like Ronald Reagan, doing PR for corporate interests under the banner, "What's good for GM is good for the country." Well, GM paid their money and got around the mileage rules by building everything on truck frames because trucks were exempted, and the Congress rolled over and played dead. Congratulations, and welcome to Toyota America.

What does Bush mean by taking the restrictions off the military? We are not in a defensive war with Iraq. They don't even have a military. It may be true that they hate us so much they'd give their lives to just inflict a little pain and suffering on us so we can see what it's like, but we aren't going to solve that problem by giving more power to the people they hate so much. I'll wager if we lose the rest of the cage that contains them we'll hate them equally as much. They'll kill us, too, for some pie in the sky bullshit and they'll do it with trumped up evidence.

We invaded Iraq under the justification that they were a threat to us. This was as accurate as Hitler warning Germany that Poland was a knife aimed at the heart of the motherland. There is always a throwing of the penalty flag when somebody mentions that Bush is a National Socialist in his ideology, and that he has radicalized the Republican party toward the far right, but it sure as hell walks like a duck and quacks like a duck if it ain't a duck.

The people on the far right are not just after the people on the left, they are after the people on the center right and then just to the left of right and they will end up in a f*cking bunker playing out minor tragedies while around them major tragedies unfold, because they were supposed to be leaders of a country, and they did not have that capacity. They were instead corporate officers who were elevated so high that the needs of the Republic became the raw material from which the company advertising was fashioned. Any true leadership became illusory and the reality became what was in the interest of a particular block of investors. The planet can burn up and life on earth can cease and they won't notice because they'll be too busy playing Monopoly.

For the money we have spent already on this war, we could have educated our children, cared for our old people, and provided public health insurance. The fact that there is still a constituency for Bush and the people who pour money like free beer into the bloated belly of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex, speaks for the urge toward self-destruction. If there is anybody in the country who isn't furious at seeing a bunch of gamblers piss away all our money and leave us in debt forever, they suffer from a passivity bordering on brain disease.

It is infuriating for Bush to say we're lucky our children don't mind giving their lives in the defense of the country, when we are involved in zero defensive actions. And it is infuriating to hear him say the restrictions are going to be taken off our military, when we sent them to Iraq under the guise of liberators, like the Prince to rescue the lady from the dragon. I guess when you get killed by American ordinance now, and you're an innocent bystander, the people who killed you are not terrorists? In pursuit of a "target" we will blast other people's families like they are clay pigeons. This is a dark Prince and he lives in symbiosis with the dragon. If one of them dies they both die, because they are inoperable Siamese twins.

Recognizing the dangers, public and private, of being an extremist, I don't want to be one. But to me, the situation has gone out of control of rational argument because Mr. Bush stands and delivers speeches which are not only not true, they have no correlation to actual events or energetics. For example, if anybody from al Qaeda had gone to Iraq before we occupied it, they would have been religious extremists in a secular country. They were not welcome. Iraq was defending itself against Islamic fundamentalists. But Bush stands and says we must get Iraq to keep out Al Qaeda. And at the same time what he is essentially saying is that we are going to terrorize the people in Iraq and force them to accept us as their masters, just like Saddam did.

I don't know what else he could mean by "taking the restrictions off the military." It makes it sound like our military is going into all out warfare. That's a lot like your local police department going into all out warfare against the people they are supposed to protect and serve.

We all know how brutal Saddam was and we all know that it allowed him to hold Iraq together and rule it. We all know that if, right now, Bush could cut a deal with a strongman like Saddam to do the exact same thing, he would cut the deal. The problem "we" had with Saddam was not that he was evil, but that he was a loose cannon. They didn't give a damn how many people he killed, just like they don't give a damn how many they've killed already.

They're looking at the "big picture." You have to take a broad, general view of things. And you have to trust your leaders.

I've never trusted my leaders any further than I could throw them, but this is different. This is really dangerous not in some reasoned way, but in the way it's dangeous in "The Shining," when Mrs. Torrence begins to read what her husband has been writing, and there is that shock of knowing that the man has social skills, charm, and talent, and that he's crazier than a shithouse rat.
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Dan Lee is a writer who lives in the Bay Area and Northern Arizona.
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