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Bush Embarrasses USA before Israeli Knesset

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Constance Lavender
Message Constance Lavender

George W. Bush is a little man. Of that, there can be no doubt. He is an immoral man. He is a pathetic and desperate man. He is a man who, without any real leadership abilities, or without either the character or discipline to broker peace, contents himself with making war: like a schoolboy bully playing general. The only difference is that George W. Bush has caused the death of over four thousand Americans and the permanent maiming of scores of thousands more. That is a distinguishingly Machiavellian accomplishment, and one with which no schoolyard bully would be allowed to get away.

In short, Mr. Bush is a failure. He is a failed president having never really won that high office in the first place. He is a failed commander-in-chief for not being personally able to articulate a clear rationale for the illegal invasion of a foreign country and lying to his nation to take the country to war instead. He is a failed domestic president in having inherited a government in economic health only to leave the country in a financial nightmare. And based on the results of several special elections this year to the U.S. Congress to replace Republican Representatives, Bush is a failed political leader.

In an unprecedented attack today on a candidate for the highest office in the land, the Office of the President of the United States, Bush has used the Israeli Knesset as a platform to launch an horrifically political smear against presidential hopeful, U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Bush compared Obama's proposal to negotiate with Iranians to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler on the eve of World War Two. That that comparison is historically suspect and painfully inaccurate and imprecise is no matter to Bush, an undergraduate history major of Yale University. For it has never been the truth that George W. Bush has sought, it has only been political advantage.

Much the same can be said of Bush's attempts to bring "peace" to the region he is visiting and from which he launched his unseemly, politically-devisive attack.

If Bush cared at all about peace, he would have used the platform of a U.S. Presidential Address before the Israeli Knesset as an opportunity to make peace, to call for healing in an embittered land, to foster goodwill among nations deeply divided.

Instead Bush pathetically used this occasion to foster his political legacy in another land that he has divided: America.

Shame on you, Bush, your hands are stained by the blood of thousands....



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Constance Lavender is an HIV-Positive pseudonymous freelance e-journalist from a little isle off the coast of Jersey; New Jersey, that is...

In the Best spirit of Silence Dogood and Benj. Franklin, Ms. Lavender believes that a free (more...)
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