- A great threat to our existence:
Remember when politicians did their jobs, they built roads, dams, airports, schools, hospitals, etc., etc.? Probably not, because that was a long, long time ago- Walter Reed General Hospital was built in 1909. Todays Republican & Democratic parties have not built new modern state-of-the-art hospitals, roads or schools. They just made school year-round & we've all seen the tragic consequences of over-crowded, out-of-date schools. The Republican & Democratic parties have become a great threat to our existence from our lack of food inspectors, air-traffic controllers, border agents, on & on. Our Farm bill of the last 50 years promotes/contributes to obesity, diabetes, some cancers, heart-attacks & strokes- our nations deadliest killers. And all of our Presidential candidates promise to continue the same failed policies & so we'll have 4 more years of the status-quo, 4 more years of business-as-usual, 4 more years of deterring congested roads, under-staffed hospitals, over-crowded ERs, out-of-control medical cost, 4 more years of the same failed policies, 4 more years of rampant crime, 4 more years of a drug epidemic. The end of Social Security, the end of the middle-class, the end of the American dream, the end of life as we know it.
- Politicians Are Bleeding This Country Dry Of Its Jobs, Our Resources & Our Future...
In 1980 the U.S. was the largest creditor in the world. By 1985 the U.S. became a debtor nation; by 1986, the worlds largest debtor. Now the debt is over 9 trillion dollars. 9 trillion dollars transferred in 20 years from the worlds most richest & powerful country in the world, there's nothing comparable to that in history. It is a form of economic destruction that has no parallel in all the history of mankind. The debt is so staggering it is making us vulnerable in ways we've never had to face.
- As Long As We Continue To Vote:
There are special interest groups in the U.S., as elsewhere, that will do whatever it takes to secure their wealth & power, whatever the human cost & they will succeed if they are not opposed by an informed & committed public.
- War On The Middle Class:
*In 2004 1.56 million people filed for bankruptcy 92% were middle income families. Personal bankruptcies reached a new high of more than two million in 2005. Members of both political parties (Sen. John Edwards included) helped banks to re-write our bankruptcy laws robbing consumers of any protections, while allowing banks to charge 30% or more in interest.
*Credit card debt is up 75% for middle income families.
*In the past 25 years, the number of families in bankruptcy has increased 400%, & housing foreclosures are up 350%. Foreclosures on homes in Los Angeles alone jumped 799 percent between 2006 & 2007.
*While American workers productivity has increased, inflation-adjusted wages actually declined.
* In 2005 the number of people without any health insurance jumped to 15.9% while people with employer funded health care dropped to 59.5% from 63.6% in 2000.
*Overall the same period (from 2000 to 2005), medical cost prices grew by a total of 23.9%.
*There's 11,900 pork barrel projects in the federal budget at a cost of over $20 billion.
*About 1.2 million Americans will have a first or recurrent coronary attack 452,000 of these people will die. Making heart disease the nations single leading cause of death.
*Each year about 700,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke in the U.S. Over 150,000 of these people die, making stroke the third leading cause of death. About 5.7 million U.S. stroke survivors are alive today many of them with permanent stroke-related disabilities.
*The chances that your child will become a victim of a sex offender is 1 in 3 for girls & 1 in 6 for boys.
*63,000 persons are required to register in California as sex offenders. 22,000 other offenders are not registered, but are known to law enforcement.
( For the source of these figures or any others on this site check out our Sources page).
- Republican & Democratic parties lost all legitimacy:
What good is a government that will not protect it's weakest & most vulnerable citizens? On Friday July 29, 1994, 7-year old Megan Nicole Kanka disappeared. With the promise of a puppy, her neighbor, Jesse Timmendequas, lured her into his home where he raped, strangled & suffocated her. Her body was stuffed into a plastic toy chest & dumped in a nearby park. Megan had been killed by a two-time registered sex offender who lived across the street from the Kanka home & was sharing his house with two other convicted sex offenders, he met in prison.
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