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Are you better off?

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Carlos T Mock
The Dow Jones Average and the S & P 500 are at an all time high. Big business profits are booming. Life should be great!

But how about you? Mr. and Mrs. Average American? Are you better off?

If you work for the auto, air, or the banking industries, chances are you’ll be looking for a job very soon. If you mortgaged your house in the housing boom, chances are you may be about to loose your home. And even though unemployment is at an all time low, chances are you are making less per month than you did five years ago when Mr. Bush took office—that is, if your job has not been outsourced.

“Economies are supposed to serve human ends...not the other way round. We forget, at our peril, that markets make a good servant, a bad master, and a worse religion.” we are told by Mr. Amory Lovins.

Wealth for the few at the top is definitively better. Corporate pay is at an all time high.

But I ask you, America—how are your finances?
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