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New Yorkers for Verified Voting Needs Your Help

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Bo Lipari
NYVV Needs Your Help

The November election brought an explosion of
reports on voting machine problems throughout the
country. States had problems with voting machines,
from long lines in Colorado to 18,000 lost votes on
DREs in Florida. Cuyahoga County, Miami Dade County,
New Mexico, and Maryland are all considering
scrapping multi-million dollar purchases of touch
screen DREs in favor of paper ballots and precinct
ballot scanners.

New Yorkers for Verified Voting has been at the
forefront of the fight for secure, auditable
elections. We've got the truth out about the dangers
of DREs and made New York's voting machine
regulations among the strongest in the nation. Our
ongoing media efforts have resulted in endorsements
for paper ballots and scanners from every
major newspaper in New York State
2F%2Fwww.nyvv.org%2Freports%2FEditorialEndorsements.pdf). I travel
throughout the
state presenting, educating, advising and speaking
to citizens, legislators, the media, and election

Most important, we've fought back successfully
against the deep pocketed voting machine vendors who
once brashly claimed "New York is a DRE state." Our
work has had a real impact: according
to a spokesman for the New York State Board of
"Scanners have a leg up now, especially with what
we're hearing about DREs..."

NYVV has worked tirelessly ensuring that the right
choices are made for voters, not vendors. With a new
legislative session beginning this January, we'll
make our voices heard in Albany, pushing for new
legislation to adopt a single statewide paper ballot
based voting system, and taking the voting machine
decision out of the hands of unaccountable election

NYVV needs your
help today (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=5ymh79bab.0.46edswbab.cu5aiwbab.109&ts=S0216&p=http%3A%2
F%2Fwww.nyvv.org%2Fdonate.shtml) to make this work
possible. Our organization operates on a shoe string
budget; all work is done on a volunteer basis. But
the costs of maintaining an office and website,
public outreach, travel and telephone can only be
met if our supporters donate to the cause.

We've come a long way, but we still have so much
more work to do. Please
donate today

Donations can be made at:

Thanks for your help!

Bo Lipari

Executive Director
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Bo Lipari is the executive director of New Yorkers for Verified Voting.
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