single shred of profit at the expense of us all.
Iraq is simply a profit center for the Vice President's former company and a vision of a new American imperialism that comes at a cost far too large to bear. The fear and anger generated solely to fan the flames of unreasoned nationalism in order to keep everyone from to close an inspection of the
deeds being done seems to be working all to well.
The propaganda mill, which takes its marching orders from Rove, 'miraculously' speaks to the exact same talking points all at the same time, works on the
principal that repeated lies become truth all too quickly. Many , all too many, are duped into believing that acquiescence to this administrations
incompetence and avarice is the patriotic thing to do.
While far too many on the left believe the solution lies in restoring the power of the Democratic Party in the halls of Congress and , perhaps, even
in the Oval Office, I strongly disagree.
the corruption so rampant under the Republican control of all our branches of governance, it might even result in an impeachment proceeding that I
would find personally very satisfying. But it would surely be only a temporary victory and would soon be replaced by the same sort of dishonesty one always finds in the ruling party.
When dealing with a system as corrupt and dishonest as ours, when the money flows all to easily to those who rule, when there is really no way to
counter the influence of corporate donations to money hungry war chests, when Senate races cost 50 million and Presidential races over 100 million
the losers are the citizens of these United States, every single time.