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Limbaugh Says "Liberals Hate this Country." Time to get him off the air

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Andy Ostroy
Limbaugh Says “Liberals Hate this Country.” It’s time to Boycott His Advertisers & Get Him Off the Air

On his syndicated radio program Monday, right-wing blow-hard Rush Limbaugh once again attacked the patriotism of his detractors by making the outrageous, infuriating and egregious claim that "liberals hate this country." His rant came in defense against the threat of a Congressional investigation initiated by Rep. Henry Waxman (CA) into the questionable broadcasting practices of this big, fat hypocritical liar and his conservative cohorts like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

Let’s get something straight. I am a proud, card-carrying member of the Liberal tribe and I do not hate America. To the contrary, I love my country, respect and support the military, and can be as hawkish as Sen. John McCain (AZ) when our nation is threatened. Like most Democrats, I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks, and I’d use aggressive military force in a heartbeat to hunt down and kill our enemies again. How dare Limbaugh attack and deny my love of country, my patriotism, my willingness to use force if need be to defend America. How dare he, as he has done again last week to much controversy, attack and slander certain soldiers as "fake" simply because they had the courage to criticize Bush’s fiasco in Iraq. You wanna talk "fake," Rush? Fake is sitting behind a microphone in some cushy air-conditioned studio ranting and raving like John Wayne when those with real bravery and courage are fighting and dying thousands of miles away in the excrutiating desert heat. Tell us again, Rush, what branch of the U.S. Armed Services you served in? Exactly.

It’s time for this polarizing, incendiary partisan rhetoric to come to a grinding halt. I believe I speak for most Americans when I say enough is enough. We’re sick and tired of this bloviating, drug-addicted chickenhawk slandering anyone who dares disagree with his irrational, ideological demagoguery and the reckless policies of his utterly inept party. No one is off-limits to this creton, not servicemen and women, minorities or the handicapped. He is a rapacious, unapologetic bully; a colossal ignoramus who exists only to spread lies and deception in his unflinching, maniacal loyalty to Bush and the Repugs. It’s time to take him down, now.

As such, I am urging Democrats everywhere to boycott the goods and services of the advertisers and sponsors of The Rush Limbaugh Show, broadcast daily by Clear Channel Communications. Below is a partial list of companies, according to Gun Toting Liberal, who could use a threat or two from us America-loving libs:

Bose Wave Radio 508-766-7781

Lending Tree (704) 541-5351


300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 1111
Pasadena, CA 91101
FAX 626.585.4040

Inverness Medical (maker of stresstabs)
51 Sawyer Road
Waltham, MA 02021
1-800-899-7353 weekdays, 8 am. - 6 p.m. (Eastern Time.)


Hotwire Corporate Headquarters
333 Market Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94105
1-877-HOTWIRE (468-9473)

Sleep Number Bed

Oreck Upright Vacuum Cleaners
Oreck Corporation
100 Plantation Road
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123
Online contact form

Mid-West Life Insurance Company of Tennessee
9151 Grapevine Hwy.
North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone (800) 733-1110
(web banner ads on rushlimbaugh.com)

AutoZone Inc.
P.O. Box 2198
Memphis, TN 38101
Phone (901) 495-7185
Fax (901) 495-8374
investor.relations@autozone.co m

UPDATED - Citracal - Mission Pharmacal
Bennett Kennedy - Citracal Product Manager
Mission Pharmacal
P.O. Box 786099
San Antonio, TX 78278-6099
Phone:(800) 531-3333

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Andy Ostroy, a NYC-based 45-year-old entrepreneur and political commentator, is an aggressive counter to the Bush administration, the Republican Party and the powerful right wing media machine. Our mission is to do whatever possible to help Democrats take back the House and Senate in 2006 and win (more...)
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