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New Deal Repeal

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Vi Ransel
Message Vi Ransel
New Deal Repeal

They're taking back
the things that bought off the Working Class
now we're dumbed down enough for control
via our mammalian core.

We're baited with sex,
acquisition and violence
well-seasoned with free-floating fear
of the boogeyman du jour

which channels our energy
into addictive consumption
and the sacrifice of our children
in their rule-the-world wars.

It's a self-reinforcing habit
financed by "cheap" credit pushed at us
by charge card pimps
turning us out to use more

of a drug so addictive
We the People and America
stand ragtime on the corner
like a ten-dollar whore.

Note to non-producing "Upper" Classes:
Payback is a b*tch!
And you just might get
what it is you've been asking us for.

Do the words "American Revolution"
mean anything to you
but a slick pickup truck ad
or not any more?

- Vi Ransel
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Vi's works appear widely both in print and online. She conducts Poetry Workshops and gives readings in Central New York. Her latest chapbook is "Sine Qua Non Antiques (an Arcanum of History, Geography and Treachery).
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