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We Believe

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Mark Angelo Cummings
In this world we live in, in these times that have come along, we have lost the true meaning of love. Unconditioned, without strings, without questions or without the need to defend it. So judgmental are we, so much we ask in return. Yet we have churches, we have Temples, because we believe this is our salvation, go pray, go pay, and we will have a place in heaven, so they say. How hypocritical are we, we lay laws of the land, to have others follow our commands, yet behind close doors there are so many things that we do wrong. Hush - hush, do as I say, not as I do, oh I get it, the laws don't pertain to you. Priests, Pastors, law makers, law enforcers, government and all, what is wrong with our world today, can we all learn to get along. Like children we are, can't play together, can't seem to sing the same songs. Killing each other, our young and the weak, all for some crude oil and stupid technicalities. Mother Nature is attacking the earth, she is so ashamed of us all, we have destroyed our ozone, environment and our precious world. And what about the death penalty, I ask? Oh, I see, we believe, Its the right thing to keep the peace. But why I ask? and they reply, we don't want to pay for them to be behind bars. So it's easier and less to pay, if we killed the defected, the once that have gone stray. How loving, how humanitarian is this. Christianity, yeah I get, its about the money and greed. Raise your arms in the air and do some fancy chant, have bible studies every week, and you'll have plenty of money in the bank. So they say its Gods wrath, its Gods way, homosexuals and transgenders most pay. Come on people get a grip, what is sin? Who created the word and it's meaning? Oh, right the Bible, scripts from the past, some homophobic prophet who didn't like it up the ass. What's the harm, who are they hurting, they have more fashion sense than you and your aunt Rosy. Oh I get it, they think children will be molested by Homo's and queers, no I don't think so, there not pedophiles, nor do they enjoy living in fear. Look at your priests, pastors and the lot, be more afraid of them then of us. If you don't get it by now, that being different is not wrong, it's what's inside your heart and soul, that's what counts, that is all. Yes God, the Universe, the almighty power wants us to love, not hate, live and let live, not kill, nor judge and learn to live with each other in this crazy game we call life. Stop the power struggles, stop the greed; that's what I am talking about, not extremes, to respect and love thy neighbor and do not judge, love unconditionally. Because when judgment day comes along, then maybe, just maybe you might see the gates of heaven and not the pit of hell and fall. Look around you the world is falling, and its due to our nature, hatred, greed, control, barbarians we are, must see blood, flesh and crushed skulls. False prophets, religion now becoming tainted with politics. Take a breath, relax, due no harm, we are all in it together, remember this once and for all. In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost, get a life redeem yourself and drop the ball. Tolerance, respect, and the ability to flow as one nation, humankind will be instinct if not changed, and learn that differences are beautiful, and not a sin. Love knows no color or gender, there are no rules to its expression. Why must we categorize and limit everything we touch. Why does every puzzle piece have to fit, different is good, different is beautiful. That is what makes the colors of the rainbow unique, no two people should ever be alike, the world is a collage, let it flow, let it be. Gay marriage will not end civilization as we know it, but our backward mentally, the need to hurt each other, war, and the love of money will. The sanction of marriage, you say, what sanction? Britney Spears and half of Hollywood's marriages and the worlds are so holy? they end up in divorce, bringing to this world a bunch of dysfunctional children, abandon, unhappy, and mentally crushed. Yet we want to ban abortion to create more births. Are we not over populated already, are there not enough orphans to feed, or does mother nature have to create further destruction to decline the numbers and create more grief. Think get it right, with all your degrees and all your might, so righteous, so moral you feel, of coarse, only for your convenience and your preferences, go on throw the first stone, I dare you, you can't, can you, I know.
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Author of the Mirror Makes No Sense, Transsexual advocate and Documentary Producer and Director. Educator and public figure in the trans community.
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