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BUSH'S ECHELONS of LIFE (based on objective observation)

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Vince Williams
One of the indicators of Bush's weak-witted mind is his disregard for life, except according to his definition. Here is the hierarchy of life, according to the actions-speak-louder-than-words record of our brain-cell challenged President:

ECHELONS of LIFE (in order of value: HIGHEST to LOWEST)
evidence: George's refusal to take any risk by putting himself in harms way; DODGING combat during the Viet Nam War. Wearing an AIRFORCE flight suit costume for his announcement of "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.

another 1. 8-cell embryos, MOST VALUABLE
evidence: refusal to permit government funded stem-cell research.

2. 1st Tri-mester fetuses, SECOND MOST VALUABLE
evidence: resistence to abortions even to protect the life or health of the mother, or in cases of rape.

3. Texans, especially multi-billion dollar entrepreneurs, and MOST especially oil tycoons. SO VALUABLE, THEY NEED MORE MONEY.
evidence: tax incentives (meaning: TAX CUTS) believed to AUTOMATICALLY create investment FUNDS which, in turn, are "suspected" of adding more industry, thereby creating more jobs (although, no strings are attached to the money "freed-up" from the cuts, and any created jobs might be in INDIA or CHINA other than in the U. S.)

4. Laura Bush, VALUABLE BECAUSE OF HER PRETTY EYES and FIGURE, etc. and her supremacy of intelligence (COMPARED to GEORGE'S).
evidence: George's INTUITION informs him that he's not the "highest wattage bulb" in the chandelier, even though his arrogance helps him ignore that from time to time.

5. Dick Cheney, VALUABLE because of his ADVICE about NOO-CUE-LER WMD's, and his combination of paranoia with BELLIGERENT impulses (not to overlook his facility with obscene and morally offensive profanities: June 24, 2004, CNN reported that on the floor of the Senate, Cheney told Senator Pat Leahy, "Go fu** yourself!". . . to cite an instance. [Just for your elucidation: Cheney's words sprang from an exchange in which Cheney told Leahy he didn't like what Leahy had been saying about Halliburton, to which Leahy replied that he didn't like Cheney calling him a bad Catholic. So you can see how "Go fu** yourself" is the only appropriate response. A crooked smirk doesn't happen all by itself, you know.]

6. Condoleezza Rice, VALUABLE because of her OBVIOUSLY more intelligent mind (which can help George in some of his scripted speeches), and her clearly successful University training when compared with George's less than stellar college scores.
evidence: George rewarded her with the nomination for Secretary of State.

7. Bush's Cabinet and Appointments, except those who ever disagree, VALUABLE because they agree, and satisfy/gratify Bush's self- regeneratingly ravenous ego.
evidence: Bush, when he can get away with it, REWARDS them with appointments that extend to the end of his term in office. irrespective of any corruption, failures or lack of competence (e.g. Rumsfeld, if he could have; Bolton, if he can, etc.).

8. ALL Republicans, but most especially those running for, or holding office. (Totally disregarding crimes committed; and hypocritically ignoring Foley-like pruriency, as long as it is kept secret from the public, the "LIBERAL MEDIA" and law enforcement. Add to that, everyone else who agree with Dubya's failed policy ideas. GENERALLY VALUABLE, because it HELPS to give George a good feeling that he's right, right, right.)
evidence: SIMPLE: just look at the record.

9. U.S. personnel in the ARMY, NAVY, AIRFORCE and MARINES. ONLY VALUABLE if they'll KEEP FIGHTING; but demonstrably EXPENDABLE.
evidence: Well over 715,000 people have been killed, and 1,350,000 have been seriously injured in Bush's irresponsible "war games" in Afghanistan and Iraq. The break-down is as follows:
over 8,500 AFGHAN TROOPS KILLED . . . and more than 25,700 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of July 2004
over 3,400 AFGHAN CIVILIANS KILLED . . . and 6,200 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of July 2004
more than 285 U.S. TROOPS KILLED . . . and 860 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006 and more than 215 OTHER COALITION TROOPS KILLED . . . and 645 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006
AND . . .
LOOKING AT IRAQ -- (using round numbers)
30,000 IRAQI TROOPS KILLED . . . and 90,000 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Aug. 2003
671,000 IRAQI CIVILIANS KILLED . . . and 1,208,000 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006
actual count: 2,850 U.S. TROOPS KILLED . . . and 43,199 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006
estimated: 245 OTHER COALITION TROOPS KILLED . . . and 735 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006
actual countt: 147 U.S. CIVILIANS KILLED . . . and 265 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006
estimated: 220 OTHER COALITION CIVILIANS KILLED . . . and 400 SERIOUSLY INJURED as of Nov. 2006

and a BUNCH OF 10's. Blacks in New Orleans, Darfur, and everywhere; PEOPLE in ALL OTHER COUNTRIES, particularly IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SYRIA and "them A-RAB countries over there"; All insurgents or insurgent-sympathizers or suspected insurgent-sympathizers or anyone who LOOKS like a suspected insurgent-sympathizer; ALL PRISONERS, and if they're prisoners, THEY'RE UNDER SUSPICION and HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHTS: "I never even MET Geneva. Who is she?"; Poor people, of any color, who cannot afford (or have lost their) healthcare, or who have lost their jobs, some of whom live under bridges or in breaking-down vehicles; illegal immigrants, except those who are already here and who make a pittance working for very wealthy tycoons; Veterans who have fought for our country, MANY OF WHOM continue with life-long disabilities, and now FAR too often ARE ignored in their "fight" to simply receive EARNED DISABILITY benefits [George W. Bush's SHAME]; DEMOCRATS, who are bleeding-heart Liberals, so we might as well let them "bleed to death". WHO CARES, "LET 'EM DIE, because they're either dangerous, too soft-hearted, or opponents of mine."
evidence: GEORGE W. BUSH'S record.
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