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Rally for Peace in Rock Hill, Soth Carolina

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Timothy Gatto
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The peace rally at Rock Hill was a resounding success. Over fifty people showed up to hold signs and stand on the sidewalks outside of Winthrop University in Rock Hill SC, for almost two hours until the University Police asked us to break it up. Why? Who knows? We figured that we couldn't stay all day, so we decided to break up and go to the local Mexican restaurant for lunch. Maybe the University didn't appreciate the horns of the hundreds of cars that blared in response to our "Honk If You Want Peace" and "Honk If You Want Them Home Now!". Honk they did, and there was 'nary a bad word said to us. The only dissenter (if you could call her that) was some young air head driving an old convertible that had to put her top down and play a vacant minded song by Toby Keith who seems to make a living by supporting the war in Iraq. I'd like to ask him why we are fighting over there. He'll probably look at me, squint as if I just asked him what is the square root of pi and tell me "freedom?" If he got that far, I probably wouldn't want to try to embarrass him by asking who's freedom. I want to Thank Gregg JoCoy, a former candidate for the SC State Representative, from the local Green Party for putting it all together. The group is going to Rep. John Spratt's office Monday and try to lobby him. Meanwhile, they are going to make the Rally a weekly event.

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There were a few girls there with the sweetest little peacenik, a girl of perhaps 1 Â ½ years old, dressed is a lions suit, with a sign on her back that said "Out of Iraq, I'm not Lyin!". They had a sign that said "W, U R Fired" with a pink slip hanging from a hanger. Very nice, and appropriate. The thing that got me was that all ages were there. Not just young people, but all ages, all getting along and supporting each other while working for peace in Iraq. When someone would mention the disparity in ages, the common retort was that if the draft was still on, we would see many more young people and parents out marching. They seemed to believe that not too many Americans have a "vested" interest in this war. I have attached some photos from our local rally.

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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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