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Some good news on the election front, for a change

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Stephen Heller
Message Stephen Heller
Hello, friends. I'd like to point your attention to some good news (for a change) regarding the election integrity movement. As you know, I have been personally involved with this issue for some time, and was known to some as the Diebold Whistleblower. So I'm very glad to report that this article by John Gideon was posted on BradBlog (BradBlog is run by Brad Friedman, one of the greatest citizen journalists working in America today) just about an hour ago:
Late news this afternoon, sent to The BRAD BLOG moments ago, reveals that a judge in an Alameda County, California election contest is set to rule that a contested ballot measure election from 2004 must now be reheld since the county destroyed data from the election when they sent the Diebold DRE voting systems back to the company in Plano, Texas.
All but 4% of election data, records and audit logs was overwritten in subsequent contests, according to the following release from Americans For Safe Access (ASA) who were the plaintiffs in the contest.
In 2004, Alameda was the same county where it was found that Diebold had installed uncertified hardware and software in the county's voting system. The illegal action by the company eventually led to the decertification of certain Diebold systems in California.
I find that last paragraph to be particularly interesting. I wonder where first they learned for a fact that Diebold had indeed installed uncertified hardware and software in Alameda County's voting system? Could that have been revealed by a whistleblower, perhaps?
I encourage you to read the whole article. http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4811
Steve Heller
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Stephen Heller is famous as the "Diebold Whistleblower". He turned over much evidence of Diebold's defrauding of the State of California and for, his efforts, was rewarded with a three felony count indictment.
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