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Big Siegelman Story is Brewing at Vanity Fair

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Roger Shuler
Message Roger Shuler
Vanity Fair Has a Big Story Brewing
If you are interested in the many ills plaguing America's justice system, ills that sprang roots in Alabama, you won't want to miss the early fall issues of Vanity Fair magazine.
Acclaimed investigative journalist Craig Unger is working on a major piece about the Don Siegelman prosecution and related issues in Alabama. Glynn Wilson, of Locust Fork News, writes that the piece is due to run in the September or October issue of Vanity Fair.

Unger recently spent a week in Alabama, interviewing people from one end of the state to the other. Your humble blogger is among the folks Unger has interviewed, and it looks like our Legal Schnauzer tale will play some role in the Vanity Fair piece. 

Who is Craig Unger? Consider Unger's resume and check out his Web site. He is the author of two highly regarded books on the George W. Bush administration: House of Bush, House of Saud and Fall of the House of Bush.

In November 2007, Scott Horton of Harper's presented an excellent interview with Unger. You can check that out here.

A seminal moment in the evolving Bush Justice Department scandal came when 60 Minutes reported on the Siegelman case. It appears the upcoming Vanity Fair piece, coming just before the November presidential election, could have an impact that is just as strong--maybe stronger.
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I live in Birmingham, Alabama, and work in higher education. I became interested in justice-related issues after experiencing gross judicial corruption in Alabama state courts. This corruption has a strong political component. The corrupt judges are (more...)
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