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Open Letter to Ron Paul

By Kenneth Carroll  Posted by (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   5 comments


An Open Letter to Ron Paul



Dr. Paul,

I am a supporter of yours, and I care deeply about the condition of our country. It is my most urgent desire that you win the republican nomination for president in 2008. I sincerely believe that your answers to this country’s problems are the best answers available. GO DR. PAUL!

Here is my urgent concern. It has become apparent that some of the votes in New Hampshire were not counted and/or reported accurately. Our votes represent one of every citizens most sacred rights and duties in this country. The idea that these votes can be so easily and nonchalantly mis counted or ignored is appalling. Revolutions have been fought over less egregious injustices. Dr. Paul, as my chosen candidate, and as the (hopefully) next president of the United States, I am looking to you to challenge this situation, make it publicly known, and re-assure your supporters that a miscarriage of justice like this will not be allowed to happen in our country. If my vote doesn’t count, I ask you sir, "What does count anymore?" And as a follow up question I ask " If my vote doesn’t count, or isn’t counted properly, what is an appropriate response for an American citizen to engage in ?"

We as a nation can not stand idly by and let this happen with out challenging it. I have no clue whether or not a re-count would alter the outcome of this particular primary, and frankly it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the principle of it. Every single vote for every candidate should be accurately counted and reported, or we no longer have a republic. This is the very foundation of democracy and a free society. Please sir I urge you, do not let this injustice go without a challenge.

I recognize that re-counts cost money. So, I suggest posting a separate little fund raising box on ronpaul2008.com with it’s own counter to quickly raise the additional cash for this expenditure. I pledge $100.00 towards this effort, and I would hazard a guess that you would have the money in less than 5 hours. I read somewhere that it would cost about $67,000. Not sure on that, but 67k is chump change for your supporters.

In conclusion, let me urge you to call for a re-count in New Hampshire. The Integrity of our electoral process demands no less.


Kenneth Carroll

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