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'Daily Voting News' For August 22, 2007

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org So now ES&S is in trouble, again, in California. They appear to have sold uncertified AutoMark voting systems to counties and those systems were used in recent elections. I think it is important to know that this is an ES&S issue and not an AutoMark issue. AutoMark is a separate company that happened, at the time, to have an exclusive sales agreement with ES&S. Hopefully AutoMark will distance themselves from ES&S....
  • NAtional: The Dan Rather Voting Machine Special, A Recipe for Election Disaster, and Serious Food for Thought LINK
  • CA: Columnist - Registrars exposed; wish they still had McPherson LINK
  • CA: State says e-voting machines weren't certified Election Systems & Software sold almost 1,000 uncertified voting machines to five California counties in 2006, says Secretary of State Debra Bowen LINK
  • CA: Voting machine company has its collar felt Allegedly sold uncertified machines LINK
  • CA: Glenn County forced to resort to paper ballots for next three elections LINK
  • CA: Humboldt County - Committee Discusses Improving Voting Machines LINK
  • CA: Marin machines in e-voting furor LINK
  • CA: San Bernardino County - County switching to paper ballots Registrar of voters will have to purchase new voting booths LINK
  • CA: San Bernardino County returns to paper ballots LINK
  • CA: San Bernardino County - County returning to paper ballots LINK
  • CA: San Francisco - S.F. may have been swindled LINK
  • CA: San Francisco Elections May Have Used Uncertified Machines LINK
  • CA: Solano County - State to scrutinize Solano voting machines LINK
  • CA: Solano County - Solano e-voting hits snag County machines may not have been certified by state LINK
  • GA: Voter ID goes back to court Secretary of State expands effort to inform voters about controversial voter identification cards LINK
  • GA: The 'nay' vote stands LINK
  • IN: Voting machine company appeals violation fines LINK
  • NM: Report looks at New Mexico's switch to paper ballots LINK
  • NY: Polls being checked for handicap access LINK
  • PA: Northampton County - Voting machines' validity in question Company used by Northampton County faces decertification. LINK
  • NY: Chautauqua County - Voting On The Future Electoral Process Will Soon Go Forward With E-Machines LINK
  • PA: Northampton County - Back to analog voting in Northampton County LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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