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'Daily Voting News' For June 17 and 18, 2007

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org Ohio's Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, has announced a plan to hire a firm to determine whether her state's voting machines work, are secure, and can function under heavy volume. This is pretty much the same thing being done in California. Why don't the two states join forces and save the taxpayer some money by sharing the costs? Also, in a decision that I'm sure pleased Sen. Diane Feinstein and other protectors of corporate secrets over voters, an appellate court in Florida found that Christine Jennings has no right to examine programming source code that ran the machines that undervoted in her race last Nov....
  • NAtional: Redistricting Reform: Tanner, Lofgren, Wamp Call for Judiciary Hearings LINK
  • NAtional: Separating Truth From Fiction in E-voting Reform LINK
  • CA: Riverside County - Columnist - Boycott may be the only answer LINK
  • FL: Sarasota County - Appellate court denies access to electronic voting code LINK
  • MT: Opinion - Let's give mail-in voting a try LINK
  • OH: Elections chief seeks experts to test voting machine security LINK
  • PA: Bucks County - Glitches worry voting advocates LINK
  • PA: York County - Congress could hand York County bill for paper ballots LINK
  • TN: Sullivan County - Legislation may turn into local election officials' 'worst nightmare' LINK
  • TX: Harris County - Why your vote isn't secure Study, experts call for tests, paper trail, yet our local leaders ignore them LINK
  • WV: Orange County - Orange to buy voting machines Orange Electoral Board makes successful pitch for new voting machines in county LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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