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'Daily Voting News' For March 8, 2007

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org From the just released GAO report "ELECTIONS: All Levels of Government Are Needed to Address Electronic Voting System Challenges", "Election officials, computer security experts, citizen advocacy groups, and others have raised significant concerns about the security and reliability of electronic voting systems, citing vague or incomplete standards, weak security controls, system design flaws, incorrect system configuration, poor security management, and inadequate security testing, among other issues. These security and reliability concerns are legitimate and thus merit the combined and focused attention of federal, state, and local authorities responsible for election administration."...
  • NAtional: New GAO Report: Yet Another Confirmation That 'Security and Reliability Concerns' of Election Integrity Experts are 'Legitimate' (To Say the Least) LINK
  • NAtional: Opinion: More proof of e-voting trouble (cue crickets) GAO report a reminder that EAC has failed entirely, says Brad Friedman LINK
  • NAtional: Hunter & Rodriguez Appointed as New EAC Commissioners LINK
  • NAtional: Press Release: Announcement of Departure of Verified Voting President & CEO LINK
  • NAtional: Press Release: Verified Voting Board Appoints New President LINK
  • CA: Counties gird for election wave The prospect of adding an early presidential primary has officials worrying about workloads, money. LINK
  • CA: Los Angeles County - Councilwoman among those not on voting rolls Hahn asks for an investigation. Error in data entry puts Wilmington residents in Long Beach. LINK
  • CA: Orange County - Judge forbids second 1st District 'recount' Trung Nguyen's camp has already seen ballots it wants reviewed, a court says. His lawyer thinks people voted more than once. LINK
  • CO: Colorado Clerks Want To Keep Ballots Sealed LINK
  • CT: Out with the old - Lever voting booths scrap heap bound LINK
  • FL: Florida Gov. Crist Makes History Will end permanent disenfranchisement of Florida's 600,000 ex-felons who've paid their debt LINK
  • LA: Opinion puts limit on faxed ballots Secretary of state must defer to parish LINK
  • TX: Williamson County - Elections leader preparing to avoid more blunders LINK
  • VA: Voter groups ask Kaine to delay signing of bill Say Va. should see how Congress addresses touch-screen machines LINK
  • VA: A new way to vote? Gov. Kaine is hearing from both sides on a bill that would slowly replace new voting machines with devices that leave a paper trail. LINK
  • VT: A vote in the hand is worth ... LINK
  • WV: Kanawha County - Precinct merger suggested LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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