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'Daily Voting News' For October 1, 2006

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org

I hope that everyone had a chance to read the San Jose Mercury News article from Thursday. Our overseas military voters will now have an option of emailing their ballots to the Pentagon. Those emails will then be sent to a contractor, who makes partisan contributions, and the emails will then be copied and fax'd to those states that do not allow email but will allow faxes or forwarded on to those states who do allow email. The military voters are not told that their personal information and voting choices may be released and they are required to waive their right to a secret ballot. The article is posted again, below / Ever hear of voting problems in Oklahoma? In over three years of doing DVN I don't think I have ever included an article from OK. Today I did and it's a good one. / ...

  • NAtional: U.S. soldiers' overseas votes ripe for fraud LINK

  • NAtional: 'Pollworkers for Democracy' is Looking for a Few (Thousand) Good Citizens LINK

  • NAtional: PAPER: 'U.S. Soldiers' Overseas Votes Ripe for Fraud' LINK

  • NAtional: Commentary - Who's Counting: Hacking Diebold Voting Machines LINK

  • NAtional: Editorial - Secure a precious right LINK

  • NAtional: Republican House Passes '21st Century Poll Tax' LINK

  • NAtional: Opinion - This Cannot Be (VoterID) LINK

  • NAtional: Opinion - Victor Landa: Voters trustworthy; is Congress? LINK

  • CA: Kern County - County to again employ embattled Diebold machines for coming vote LINK

  • CO: Boulder County - County needs election help. Big employers, nonprofits are being asked to recruit poll judges LINK

  • CT: Opinion - A New Way to Vote LINK

  • FL: News groups challenge ban on exit polls LINK

  • FL: Broward County - Bilingual voting aid mandated. Help for Spanish-speakers may push Broward's election costs over $3.7 million LINK

  • GA: McKinney wants voting alternative LINK

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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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