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'Daily Voting News' For September 20, 2006

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org

CNN's Lou Dobbs, "When voters lose confidence in our elected representatives, we can vote the bums out. But what is the recourse if American voters lose confidence in our electoral system?" / Pima Co. Arizona had 4 DRE and 3 Optical-scan machines turned in with evidence of tampering with security seals. This was election night. What do they do now, ignore the votes in the machines? Ignore the security issues? / Montgomery Co. Maryland has 10 to 12 thousand provisional ballots to count due to their voting problems. It will be next week before final results can be announced. / Voters who do not want to use e-voting machines in the Netherlands can get a voting pass and go to a municipality that allows voting with a paper ballot and pencil. This right has sparked a whole new industry called, "Voting Tourism". ...

  • NAtional: Dobbs: Voting machines put U.S. democracy at risk LINK

  • NAtional: Why Smoke Was Coming out of My Ears LINK

  • NAtional: Unfit for use in ANY democracy LINK

  • NAtional: The Let America Vote Act - Legislative Language LINK

  • AK: Public Records From 2004 Election Will Be Released LINK

  • AZ: Pima County - County's election still isn't official LINK

  • AZ: Pima County - Use of new voting machines prompts audit LINK

  • CA: Tehama County - Precinct officer takes election allegations to state LINK

  • CO: Man vs. machine LINK

  • CO: Lawyers Blast Electronic Voting Systems As Unreliable, Seek Ban LINK

  • CO: Group wants electronic voting banned LINK

  • CO: Weld County - Weld voting machines on trial in Denver LINK

  • CT: New Voting Method Unveiled for Election Day (Vote-By-Phone) LINK

  • GA: Georgia Law Requiring Voters to Show Photo ID Is Thrown Out
    Judge Says Some Citizens Were Disenfranchised; State to Appeal LINK

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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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