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'Daily Voting News' For September 18, 2006

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org

The Princeton Report is being reported on, favorably, all over with demonstrations on CNN and Fox and recent articles in US News and World Reports, Information Week, and the UKs SC Magazine. Verified Voting Foundation has an excellent article with quotes from Dr.s David Dill and Doug Jones. / Do you have a file cabinet or office desk? Then you probably have a key to the Diebold memory card door. / "How many machines will Bucks County [Pennsylvania] receive for $5 million? Attachment B of the contract references 650 machines. Attachment E of the very same contract references 800 machines. When those who signed the contract are asked which number is correct, one is told "Neither. The county will receive 700-some machines." No specific number is forthcoming." I have confidence. Not! ...

  • NAtional: Princeton University Researchers Demonstrate New Vulnerabilities in Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine LINK

  • NAtional: Six years later, another Florida fiasco awaits LINK

  • NAtional: William Jackson | Cybereye: E-standards needed for national elections LINK

  • NAtional: How to Hack an Election in One Minute. Princeton U. researchers have released a study and video that demonstrate the ease of altering votes on an electronic voting machine. LINK

  • NAtional: E-Voting Machines Pose Election Threat, Professor Says LINK

  • NAtional: The eSlate may not be so clean. Like punch cards, electronic ballots vulnerable to mistakes and fraud, experts say LINK

  • NAtional: Princeton Study On Electronic Voting - New Book Exposes Further Vote Hacking Details LINK

  • NAtional: Princeton prof says mini-bar keys open Diebold voting machines LINK

  • NAtional: Diebold's Proper Access Controls = Mini-Bar Key. Princeton Professor Says Key To Gain Entry To Memory Card Is Standard Key Found Anywhere LINK

  • NAtional: "Hotel Minibar" Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines LINK

  • NAtional: "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes," Joseph Stalin LINK

  • NAtional: Unfit for Use in ANY Democracy LINK

  • CO: Editorial - No need to panic over vote machines LINK

  • C: Douglas County - County feels electors will like voting by eSlate LINK

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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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