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'Daily Voting News' For July 16 and 17, 2006

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org

It appears that the ballot format was changed in Tennessee in order to accommodate the voting system vendors. In changing the format officials may now be violating state law. / In a next step, after winning against the state of Georgia and their Voter ID law, the ACLU has now announced they are taking action in Missouri / The NEA, one of the nation's largest unions, has come out in support of a voter verified paper ballot and audits ...

  • NAtional: Federal Committee To Investigate Sequoia Ownership LINK

  • NAtional: NEA To Write State Election Officials In Support Of Paper Ballots And Audits LINK

  • NAtional: House Passes Reauthorization Of The Voting Rights Act LINK

  • NAtional: Blowing the Whistle on Diebold LINK

  • NAtional: NEDA Releases New Vote Count Audit Calculator LINK

  • NAtional: Reforming American politics: A 'one-stop' guide LINK

  • CA: Riverside County - Opinion - Throwing good money after bad LINK

  • CA: San Diego County - Opinion - Electile dysfunction in the 50th LINK

  • CA: San Diego County - Dean, activists target evoting honesty in California LINK

  • FL: Opinion - Goodman: We should vote non, nein, nyet on multilingual ballots LINK

  • IA: Editorial - Glitches LINK

  • KS: Wyandotte County - Despite late ballot change, advance voting continues LINK

  • MO: ACLU challenging Missouri's voter ID law LINK

  • MO: Newton County - County testing voting machines for handicapped (Sequoia) LINK

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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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