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'Daily Voting News' For March 17, 2006

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA.Org

The Arizona state senate is pulling the wool over someone's eyes. They have put forth a bill to do a hand count audit of all ballots from 10 randomly selected precincts in the state's two largest counties. However, the bill also says that the audit results cannot be used in place of the machine count, even if there are problems found. Maryland Gov. Ehrlich is trying to find a way to pay for a change of voting systems but some in the state Senate are doing all they can to squelch that plan. And in New Jersey a lawsuit against the use of Sequoia machines in the state is progressing....

  • NAtional: Trust Us: Take This Box and Stuff It LINK

  • NAtional: ES&S Memory Card Epidemic Spreads to Other States LINK

  • AR: Voting machines to be ready for primiaries LINK

  • AZ: Senate OKs measure to ensure accuracy of electronic voting (Hand counted audit of all ballots in 10 randomly selected precincts in the two largest counties. However, the audit is non-binding and would not change any results) LINK

  • AZ: Election Official Apologizes for Video-Taped Outburst Aired on BRAD BLOG LINK

  • CA: Alameda County - Supervisors Approve Voting Machine Negotiations LINK

  • CA: Amador County - County receives new high-tech, disabled-friendly voting machines (ES&S M-100 and AutoMark) LINK

  • CA: Mendocino County - Wharf announces mail-in voting LINK

  • FL: AP joins Democrat protest of closed meeting LINK

  • FL: Two Media Outlets File Complaint Against FL Sec. of State Over Closed E-Vote Meeting LINK

  • FL: Voting Groups Requests That Secretary of State Ensure Audit Integrity LINK

  • FL: Pinellas County - State will audit March 7 elections LINK

  • GA: Opinion - Cobb can help lead the way to receipts after voting (The author is a high school senior) LINK

  • IL: Lake County - Helander encouraged by early voting for primary election LINK

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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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