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Minutes- East Bay Impeachment Meetup- 2-9-06

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carol wolman, MD
Message carol wolman, MD
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There were 18 people present, 3x as many as at any previous meeting. Most of the people had been to at least one previous meeting. The discussion was lively, and the mood much more upbeat and optimistic than at earlier meetings. This was noted, and attributed to the revelation about Bush's warrantless wiretapping, which has everyone up in arms.

General discussion topics included speculation as to the timing of impeachment, (consensus is that it won't happen until after the November elections), Bush's mafia methods that allow him to remain in power despite the obvious crimes, a sense that people even in the red states are ready for impeachment, concern about making deeper changes than simply ousting Bush and Cheney. It was noted that the East Bay is rich in progressive activists and might be able to help other areas get organized. We are hoping that our meetup will be a model for other localities.

Agenda items covered:

1) Grounds for impeachment- a committee was formed to continually gather information and keep it updated and available.

2) Contacting our Congresspeople- Barbara Lee's scheduler is working on a meeting. We will also try to set up meetings with Pete Stark and Bill Miller, to discuss impeachment strategy and try to convince the Representatives to take a public stance for impeachment.

3) City Councils- following the lead of Arcata, a committee was formed to develop strategy and start to set up times to introduce impeachment resolutins into the city councils of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, and other East Bay cities. This will bring publicity to the impeachment movement and put further pressure on our Representatives.

4) Event- We decided that hosting a major event is probably not worth the time and money; instead, we will piggyback on to other events. WorldCan'tWait is hosting an event at the Grand Lake theater- drive out the Bush regime. We will table there, collecting signatures on an impeachment petition.

We also will contact Progressive Democrats of America, who are putting on an event in March presenting David Ray Griffith, author of The New Pearl Harbor, this Thursday night at the Grand Lake theater. We will ask for 10 minutes to push for impeachment and recruit activist volunteers. We will do the same for the big ANSWER rally in March, in San Francisco.

5) Petition- we are now using John Conyers' letter to Bush, calling for censure and impeachment.

The next meeting will be Monday January 30th, 7 pm. As our numbers are growing, we are seeking a larger place to meet- to be announced.

The consensus was that although it will be difficult, we CAN get rid of Bush and Cheney.

1 Samuel 2: 4"The bows of the mighty are broken,
while the tottering gird on strength.

Impeachment is peaceful, legal and democratic.

In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. She also a film producer with Paradise Cove Productions, currently (more...)

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