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Checking Corporate Power: Powerless People

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Message David Meimers
The founders went to great lengths to put checks and balances into the constitution. There are checks on the Executive, on Congress and on our Judicial branch of government.

Large corporations were not checked in the constitution. This was the job of an informed electorate. Unfortunately, we allowed our free press, our Large corporations plan quite openly their success at our expense. While they do not come out and tell us that they are purchasing our politicians and influencing our laws, make no mistake, the dollars and the numbers of lobbyists indicate otherwise. In many cases the corporations are writing the very laws undermining the peoples government.

We are told that if we allow markets to open up even more, if we deregulate, if we privatize, that these corporations will act in the best interest of the people. We have seen pension plans eliminated at an alarming rate, wages stagnate and worker insecurity rise and health benefits offered by employers decline. We have seen costs shift to the people at an alarming rate.

Free trade and unregulated industry is not ultimately better for the world. It is ultimately more destructive. It is more destructive because corporations are not feeling emotional living beings. They are not breathing our air or drinking our water. They are not working in our industries. Corporations are contracts and agreements and if those contracts and agreements are not meeting the needs of the people, they need to be regulated and changed. If those corporations charters are causing harm to the people, they need to be revoked. Industries that stop serving the people need to be dismantled or their ownership needs to be taken over by the people. The resources of this world are the peoples, they are not resources of private industry.

We have given them our resources to manage and we can take them back. We have created corporations, they are a creation of men, and we can alter or abolish those creations if they stop serving the public good.

Currently a radical change needs to take place. These corporations need to be realigned. They have been given a free and easy ride. They have been allowed to exploit the people and to use our resources without just and due compensation. They have used the peoples energy and labor, skill and knowledge and exploited the very people they are supposed to serve. The corporate servant has become a master to the people and enslaved us. It is time to for the people to become truly free.

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August Adams is a CPA and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology. He is an activist striving to create a fair and just world for all.
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